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Ministry News

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 16th East Asia Summit


Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 16th East Asia Summit

(Unofficial Translation)

Your Majesty, Excellencies, 

It is reassuring to be together in these difficult times. I extend my appreciation to His Majesty Sultan Bolkia for his leadership in hosting this Summit. 

Today, the world has come to realize that transnational cooperation is the only path toward addressing such global challenges as COVID-19 and climate change and attaining sustainable development. Representing 54 percent of the world’s population and 62 percent of its GDP, East Asia, when united, will greatly contribute to international solidarity and cooperation in our fight against COVID-19 and the climate crisis. To turn these crises into opportunities, I hope this East Asia Summit will have us standing together in stronger solidarity.  

In East Asia, vaccination rates vary greatly across countries. Korea is committed to fulfilling its US$200 million pledge to COVAX and, as a global vaccine hub, will work strenuously to ensure equitable and timely vaccine distributions. We have already begun making vaccine donations to some vaccine-deficient countries.

To build back better, social stability and economic vitality must be quickly restored. Today, we agreed to adopt the Leaders’ Statement on Mental Health Cooperation and the Leaders’ Statement on Economic Growth through the Tourism Industry to further solidify our healthcare- and economy-related collaboration. Korea, too, will actively play its part. 

Global supply chains must be restored to address the uneven pace of recovery among nations. To maintain open markets and re-energize the WTO multilateral trading system, cooperation among its members is indispensable. Based on the ASEAN-Korea FTA, RCEP and various other FTAs, Korea too will vigorously take part in the collective efforts to rebuild supply chains.  

Korea has participated as one of the co-sponsors of the Leaders’ Statement on Sustainable Recovery that we are adopting today. Undeniably, climate change can never be tackled without solidarity and cooperation. I hope that the EAS member countries will more actively galvanize their commitments toward transitioning to a low-carbon economy.  

Korea, through the Green New Deal, is shifting to a low-carbon economy and will announce its updated 2030 NDC at COP 26 next week. We are determined to increase climate-related ODA and set up a Green New Deal Trust Fund to help accelerate the region’s carbon neutrality and energy transition. 

Honorable Chair, Excellencies,

Korea, in the belief that peace on the Korean Peninsula is the first step toward peace and prosperity in East Asia, has made strenuous efforts toward denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula. Including three inter-Korean summits and the historic U.S.-North Korea summits, the Korean Peninsula peace process has moved forward thanks to the driving force that came from the spirit of dialogue and cooperation. The “end-of-war declaration” that I proposed at the last U.N. General Assembly will open the doors to dialogue and mark a pivotal point of departure in shaping peace not only on the Korean Peninsula and in Asia, but also around the world. I look forward to the EAS members’ unwavering support and encouragement.

Korea is hoping for stability and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar. Last September, Korea decided to help the people of Myanmar defeat COVID-19 by providing a total of US$3 million in humanitarian assistance, including US$1 million through the AHA Center. Korea will also actively support the work of the ASEAN Chair’s Special Envoy on Myanmar. 

Korea would like to see freedom guaranteed for sea and air navigation across the South China Sea and any disputes resolved peacefully through dialogue. Moreover, I believe that it is crucial to maintain Hong Kong’s stability and development under the One Country Two Systems framework.

Korea attaches importance to ASEAN’s view of the Indo-Pacific region. We will always join with the EAS to build a peaceful and secure region, for instance, by aligning the AOIP and other initiatives for pan-Indo-Pacific cooperation with our New Southern Policy. 

The world is now moving beyond national borders, with the entire global village interconnected within a single living space. COVID-19 has caused a trying time for us all, yet at the same time, keenly reminded us how closely connected we all are. We can overcome this crisis if we embrace each other, and work with one another. I hope that East Asia will achieve peace and shared prosperity, becoming a compass pointing the entire world toward solidarity and cooperation.    

Thank you.  

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