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Press Releases

Foreign Minister Attends Day II Sessions of Davos Forum 2018


1. On January 24, Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2018 -- the Davos Forum 2018 -- under way from January 23 till 26.


The Davos Forum 2018, themed “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World,” consists of some 400 open and closed sessions in total.


- The 2018 round, the largest of its kind, brought together some 3,000 people, including 70-odd leaders of countries and international organizations, such as President Trump of the US, President Macron of France, Chancellor Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister May of the UK, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada and Prime Minister Modi of India.


2. On January 25, Minister Kang, together with summit- or minister-level officials of other countries, attended the closed luncheon held under the theme of “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.” During the event, the Minister exchanged views with other participants on ways to respond to such global challenges as the “one’s own country first” policy, the growing tide of trade protectionism, the prolongation of conflicts and the infringement of human rights, as well as on the importance of international cooperation.


° The Minister, bringing attention to the progress in the inter-Korean talks and the situation on the Korean Peninsula, stated that the Republic of Korea government is working to make the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games an event of peace and reconciliation.


3. Later in the day, Minister Kang attended two sessions regarding the Korean Peninsula -- “strategic geography: the Korean Peninsula” and “ways to build a sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula.” In the sessions, she spoke of the ROK government’s efforts to use the recent inter-Korean talks on North Korea’s participation in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics as an opportunity to alleviate tensions and build peace on the Korean Peninsula; shared with other participants President Moon Jae-in’s Berlin initiative; and highlighted the ROK government’s mid- to long-term vision regarding North Korea.


4. Minister Kang also met with major media leaders from home and abroad attending the Davos Forum, during which she shared with the journalists the significance of the inter-Korean talks for the mitigation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula and the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue; and discussed with them the situation on the Korean Peninsula as well as other major issues at home and abroad.


° Asked about such matters as the KORUS (Korea-US) FTA and the “comfort women” issue between the ROK and Japan, the Minister articulated the ROK government’s position on them.


5. On the evening of January 25, the Minister delivered a keynote speech at the  “Korea PyeongChang Night” event co-hosted by the ROK Foreign Ministry and the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.



* unofficial translation