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2024 K-POP World Festival Saudi Arabia

주 사우디아라비아 대사관

Announcement of the
2024 K-POP World Festival Saudi Arabia

The K-Pop World Festival competition is an international event that has been taking place for several years in nearly 72 countries. Its purpose is to encourage K-pop enthusiasts to develop their talent in dancing and singing. In each country, after the semi-final at 27th of July, the best among them – individuals or groups – will qualify to the final 3rd of August. This will take place in Riyadh in the auditorium of SEA (Saudi Entertainment Academy), and will give rise to a competition that is both exciting and festive.

If you also want to take part in the adventure this year, register for the “K-Pop World Festival Saudi Arabia” contest!!

Who is this competition for?

ㅇThe competition is open to any talents keen on K-pop, whether individuals or groups (maximum 5 people) practicing dance.

How to apply?

ㅇ Submit an application below link or QR

  - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGjqWwh2JLFdFmpOV1E6ydwuJxRsrxLM1UF2p-0TlDOvT6Iw/viewform


Competition schedule

 Semi-Final : Jul 27(Sat) 15:00 at Saudi Entertainment Academy

ㅇ Final : Aug 3(Sat) 17:00  at 'The Warehouse' in Jax district.


 -Saudi Entertainment Academy : https://maps.app.goo.gl/HRo7oNzvzZdPDoxh8

 -'The Warehouse' in Jax district : https://maps.app.goo.gl/AkUzgrx5pD66qKWBA
