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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Joint Declaration of the Ninth ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Summit



Joint Declaration of the Ninth ROK-Japan-China Trilateral SummitJoint Declaration of the Ninth ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Summit

Joint Declaration of the Ninth ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Summit

1. President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol, Prime Minister of Japan Kishida Fumio, and Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Li Qiang convened in Seoul, Republic of Korea on May 27, 2024, on the occasion of the Ninth Trilateral Summit.

2. Recalling that this year marks the 25th anniversary of the trilateral cooperation, we shared the view that the previous eight Trilateral Summits held since 2008 and the establishment of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) in 2011 have laid a solid foundation for institutionalizing the trilateral cooperation. We reaffirmed our commitment to implementation of the Trilateral Cooperation Vision for the Next Decade adopted at the Eighth Trilateral Summit. We appreciated that the trilateral cooperation has deepened in various areas, benefiting the three countries and peoples and positioning itself as a meaningful platform for regional cooperation.

3. We reaffirmed our commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to an international order based on the rule of law and international law. In this context, we shared the importance for states to abide by their commitments under the international law and agreements among states.

4. We shared the view that the Ninth Trilateral Summit carries valuable meaning for revitalizing the trilateral cooperation. Japan and the People’s Republic of China expressed appreciation for the Republic of Korea’s efforts as the chair country to bring the trilateral cooperation on track in close collaboration with Japan and the People’s Republic of China.

5. Recognizing that the Republic of Korea, Japan and the People’s Republic of China are neighboring countries sharing everlasting history and infinite future with significant potentials for cooperation across multiple domains, we concurred on the following, but not limited to, three directions in developing the trilateral cooperation:

6. First, we will strive to institutionalize the trilateral cooperation by holding the Trilateral Summit and Ministerial meetings on a regular basis, and continue to promote the capacity-building of the TCS.

7. Second, recognizing that the support of the peoples of the three countries constitutes an important driving force for deepening the trilateral cooperation, we will make efforts to ensure that peoples of the three countries can enjoy substantive benefits emanating from this cooperation.

8. To this end, we will identify and implement mutually-beneficial cooperation projects centered on six key areas closely related to the everyday lives of the peoples: people-to-people exchanges; sustainable development including through climate change response; economic cooperation and trade; public health and ageing society; science and technology cooperation, digital transformation; and disaster relief and safety. In particular, we will seek to deepen the bonds of cooperation in the field of exchanges between future generations, as we share the view that such exchanges are crucial in consolidating a long-term basis for the trilateral cooperation.

9. Third, we will promote ‘Trilateral+X Cooperation’ to ensure that the benefits of the trilateral cooperation extend to other countries so that the three countries can prosper together with other regions.

10. With this in mind, we decided the following:

Institutionalization of the Trilateral Cooperation

11. Recalling that the three countries decided to hold the Trilateral Summit on a regular basis through the Joint Statement for Tripartite Partnership adopted at the First Trilateral Summit and reaffirmed this through the Joint Declaration for Peace and Cooperation in Northeast Asia adopted at the Sixth Trilateral Summit, we reaffirm the need to hold the Trilateral Summit and the Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on a regular basis without hiatus in order to further advance the trilateral cooperation. We reiterate that promoting the institutionalization of the trilateral cooperation enhances the respective bilateral relations and fosters peace, stability, and prosperity in the Northeast Asian region and helps to promote a world in which countries, big or small, could be universally benefited.

12. Furthermore, we will strengthen substantive trilateral cooperation through inter-governmental consultative mechanisms such as high-level meetings and Ministerial Meetings in areas including education, culture, tourism, sports, trade, public health and agriculture. In doing so, we commit to working closely together to ensure that our peoples enjoy the tangible benefits of the trilateral cooperation.

Trilateral Cooperation Projects for the Peoples of the Three Countries

13. (People-to-People Exchanges) Noting the need to revitalize people-to-people exchanges so as to foster mutual understanding and trust, we concur on the importance of enhancing amity and friendship by facilitating exchanges between peoples from all walks of life, especially future generations, thereby paving the way to strengthen the foundation of future trilateral cooperation. Also, we strive to increase the number of people-to-people exchanges among the three countries to 40 million by 2030 through promoting exchange including culture, tourism and education.

14. Recognizing the importance of cooperation in the education sector in promoting exchanges between future generations, we appreciate the exemplary role of CAMPUS Asia, an inter-university exchange program initiated in 2011, which has expanded to encompass universities in ASEAN member states. We note that the program has garnered the participation of 15,000 university students, and will actively support this project with the goal of having 30,000 students by the end of 2030.

15. We share the view that fostering exchanges and friendship among teenagers and youths of the three countries will serve as an important initial step towards shaping a brighter future for the trilateral cooperation. To this end, we will continue various exchange programs, including the ROK-Japan-China Children’s Story Exchange Programme, the Junior Sports Exchange Meet, the Trilateral Youth Camp, and the Joint Training Program for Young Public Servants. Furthermore, we value the efforts of the TCS in conducting various youth exchange projects, including the Trilateral Youth Summit, the Young Ambassador Program, and the Trilateral Rural Young Leaders’ Exchange Program.

16. Recognizing that culture plays a bridging role in connecting the peoples of the three countries, we will continue to expand platforms through which our peoples can cultivate a sense of shared understanding and interact with each other through such initiatives as the Culture City of East Asia, the Trilateral Arts Festival, and the Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum. We will also designate 2025-2026 as the Year of Cultural Exchange among the three countries.

17. Welcoming the launch of the Trilateral Visionary Group initiated by the TCS bringing together eminent figures from the three countries, we look forward to the constructive work and proposal to be issued for further improving the trilateral process. We support the Network of Trilateral Cooperation Think-Tanks to upgrade its relevance in trilateral cooperation. We also share the view that public diplomacy plays an important role in enhancing mutual understanding and deepening friendship among the peoples of the three countries.

18. (Sustainable Development including through Climate Change Response) We reaffirm our commitment to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the importance of building a future of peace and prosperity where people live in harmony with the planet. We recognize the need to work together in transitioning toward a net zero greenhouse gases emissions/carbon neutrality, green economy and society. Welcoming that the 24th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting in November 2023 adopted a Joint Communique, we will continue our cooperation on eight priority areas. We also welcome that the 4th Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Water Resources in May 2024 adopted a Joint Statement, which reaffirms the commitment of trilateral water cooperation to address climate change and build a resilient water infrastructure.

19. We will take solid action and support efforts to achieve the Paris Agreement temperature goal to address the climate crisis in this critical decade, and we will come forward with ambitious next Nationally Determined Contributions, reflecting the outcome of the first global stocktake. We will also contribute to global efforts toward clean, sustainable and affordable energy transitions through various pathways.

20. Through the ‘Trilateral+X Cooperation’ framework, we will collaborate with Mongolia on reducing dust and sandstorms in East Asia. We will promote collaboration on marine environmental conservation to achieve sustainability of the ocean for future generations. We will work together towards the ambition to complete the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution at its fifth session (INC-5) which will be held in Busan, Republic of Korea, in November 2024.

21. Recognizing our commitment to end illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, which is one of the most serious threats to the conservation and sustainable use of marine living resources, we will carry out robust and effective measures to prevent, deter, and eliminate IUU fishing through various tools. We commit to the swift, full and effective implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

22. (Economic Cooperation and Trade) We share the recognition that joint efforts in the economic and trade field among the three countries play a significant role for the prosperity and stability of the regional and global economy. We will endeavor to narrow the regional development gap and achieve common development.

23. We reaffirm our support for the open, transparent, inclusive, non-discriminatory and rules-based multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core. We commit to reforming and strengthening all WTO functions, including having a fully and well-functioning dispute settlement system by 2024. We call on all WTO members to support the Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement to be incorporated into the legal framework and commit to working towards the prompt conclusion of negotiations on the JSI on E-commerce.

24. Affirming the importance of ensuring implementation in a transparent, smooth and effective manner of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement as the basis of a Trilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA), we will keep discussions for speeding up negotiations for a Trilateral FTA, aiming at realizing a free, fair, comprehensive, high-quality, and mutually beneficial FTA with its own value. Reaffirming that RCEP is an open and inclusive regional engagement, we encourage the RCEP Joint Committee to accelerate the discussion on the accession procedures of new membership to RCEP.

25. We will continue to work to ensure a global level playing field to foster a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, inclusive, and predictable trade and investment environment. We also reaffirm our commitment to keeping markets open and strengthening supply chain cooperation and avoiding supply chain disruptions. We share the need to continue communication in the field of export control. We welcome the Trilateral Entrepreneurs Forum to be held in 2024. We will continue to encourage local-level cooperation and enhance cooperative platforms including the Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technology Exchange Conference.

26. Acknowledging the importance of promoting the regional financial cooperation, we welcome the progress made in ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meetings, in particular the endorsement of the establishment of the Rapid Financing Facility with the incorporation of eligible freely usable currencies as its currencies of choice, under the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM). We also welcome the progress on other initiatives under the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office, the Asian Bond Markets Initiative and the Disaster Risk Financing. We reaffirm our commitment and support to enhance the effectiveness of the CMIM for the regional financial safety net and task our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to explore more robust financing structures and actively discuss various financing structure options with each other as well as with the ASEAN countries.

27. We plan to leverage the ASEAN+3 Cooperation Fund to support startups, such as by hosting an information exchange symposium for startups from the three countries and the ASEAN member states. We recognize the importance of the implementation of the ASEAN +3 Leaders’ Statement on Developing of Electric Vehicle Ecosystem.

28. Noting that, at the 23rd Trilateral Intellectual Property Offices (TRIPO) Heads Meeting among the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the Japan Patent Office (JPO), and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), the three countries concurred on expanding the scope of cooperation to encompass new technology sectors and extending our cooperation in pursuit of ‘Trilateral+X IP Cooperation’, we adopted the Joint Statement on a 10 Year Vision for Trilateral IP Cooperation on the occasion of this summit.

29. (Public Health and Ageing Society) Recognizing the critical role of trilateral cooperation in the health field, including cooperation in response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, we adopted the Joint Statement on Future Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response on the occasion of this summit. In line with the outcome reached at the 16th Trilateral Health Ministers’ Meeting in December 2023, we are determined to enhance our collaboration in managing health emergencies including infectious diseases, among the national public health agencies for disease control in the three countries, such as through the Korea-Japan-China Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Forum and Joint Symposium.

30. Furthermore, we will jointly tackle our common challenges facing low birth rate, and the ageing society. Through the exchange between the governments and experts of the three countries, we concur on sharing policy expertise in promoting healthy ageing, including regarding our experience in the fields of technological development, personnel training, medical and long-term care, and income security, with a view to achieving and sustaining universal health coverage.

31. (Science and Technology Cooperation, Digital Transformation) Recognizing the growing importance of cooperation in science and technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), we will strive to resume the Trilateral Science and Technology Ministers’ Meeting and the Trilateral ICT Ministers’ Meeting.

32. We note the need to promptly address the possible impacts of AI on the daily lives of humanity, and the importance of mutual communication on AI. We also note the government of the Republic of Korea’s contribution to establishing global governance aimed at ensuring safe, secure, trustworthy, innovative, inclusive, and responsible AI by hosting the AI Seoul Summit in May.

33. Sharing the importance of the cooperation in science and innovation to improve our research capacity and the competitiveness of the industrial technology, we recognize the importance of academic exchanges among researchers from the three countries as well as joint research and development in areas such as green and low-carbon society.

34. (Disaster Relief and Safety) We will foster a safer environment for the peoples of the three countries through the resumption of the Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management and the Trilateral Counter-Terrorism Consultation mechanism in due course. Acknowledging the importance of women’s participation and leadership in disaster response and damage mitigation, we will enhance the trilateral cooperation related to the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda, including through dialogue with ASEAN member states. Furthermore, we will strengthen cooperation through the Trilateral Meeting on Police Cooperation to prevent and crack down on transboundary crimes, including fraud and drug-related crimes.

Regional and International Peace, and Prosperity

35. We reaffirmed that maintaining peace, stability and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia serves our common interest and is our common responsibility. We reiterated positions on regional peace and stability, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the abductions issue, respectively. We agree to continue to make positive efforts for the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue.

36. Recognizing that the trilateral cooperation has developed in close partnership with the ASEAN, we concur on the need to continue to expand the trilateral cooperation in the context of ASEAN frameworks such as the ASEAN+3 (APT), the East Asia Summit (EAS) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). We also express our strong support for ASEAN centrality and unity. We appreciate the Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s efforts as the ASEAN Chair of 2024.

37. As important countries responsible for peace, stability and prosperity in Asia, we renew our determination to engage in close communication not only within the trilateral framework but also in the multilateral frameworks where all three countries participate, such as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), given that the three countries are serving as members of the UNSC in 2024. In this context, we will work together for the successful hosting of the 2025 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in the Republic of Korea. We also support the hosting of the Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai, Japan, and the 9th Asian Winter Games Harbin 2025 in China.

38. We look forward to the hosting of the Tenth Trilateral Summit by Japan.