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한국정치학회 창립 60주년 기념축사(영문)

2013-08-22 16:30:00

 Remarks by H.E. Yun Byung-se
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea

World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2013
Korean Political Science Association
August 22, 2013

President Yoo Ho-yeol of the KPSA,
The Honorable Kang Chang-hee, Speaker of the National Assembly,
Former Prime Minister Lee Hong-koo,
Former Foreign Minister Hang Seung-joo,
President Kim Byung-chul of Korea University,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me first express my sincere congratulations on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Political Science Association (KPSA).  The KPSA, which was launched back in 1953 when the cannon fire of the Korean War was still very much a recent memory, has emerged as one of the top 10 associations in the world in the field of social sciences.  The history of the KPSA very much resembles the modern history of Korea.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice as well.  The Republic of Korea overcame the sheer destruction of the war and grew into the 8th largest trading country and a leading member of the G-20. It also represents an outstanding instance of the achievement of democracy and the market economy. However, despite the praise from around the world for its never-before-seen development success, looking ahead toward the next 60 years weighs heavy on our hearts.

First and foremost, the security situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula presents us with the most serious challenge yet, as the division between the two Koreas continues, the threat of WMD and missile development from North Korea has increased, and the conflict among neighboring countries in Northeast Asia on thorny issues of history and territory has worsened.  In addition, as the vitality of the global economy remains far from what it once was, the financial and trading order that fueled past growth face great challenges and difficulties.  The Asia-Pacific is not free from such phenomenon.

The situation we face today does not leave us to remain content with our past achievements.  Instead, it forces us to seek a new transformation and accept new challenges that will take us to a new beginning.  Furthermore, the completion and prosperity for the national community that encompasses the entire Korean Peninsula still remains as an unaccomplished mission.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Greek historian Thucydides, in “the History of the Peloponnesian War,” described the cold reality of international relations as “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” Although it is now some time ago, in the last century Korea was one of the casualties of this harsh reality.

However, the difference between then and now is that today we are nurturing within ourselves the strength and the capacity to shape our path forward according to our will. No longer a dependent variable, Korea is emerging as a proactive actor in the international arena. Once known as “the hermit kingdom” in the last century, Korea today echoes the deepening mutual dependency and progression of globalization, recalibrating her relationship with the rest of the world.  The Park Geun-hye government that was launched last February seeks to do this through the government principle of “the happiness of the people” and “trustpolitik.”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

If foreign policy of past governments emphasized the importance of the State, the emphasis of Park Geun-hye government’s foreign policy highlights the wellbeing of the people. This conforms to the global paradigm of an increased emphasis placed on human security. We are seeking to create a positive cycle of amplifying chain of events that begins with happiness of individuals being enhanced, the combined happiness of individuals contributes to the national strength and indeed global prosperity, and the increased national strength in turn enhances the happiness of its citizens.

Within this new governing paradigm, the economic diplomacy that supports individuals and enterprises to perform at their full creativity and ability so that they may seek whatever opportunities anywhere in the global market; the middle-power diplomacy that fulfills all the responsibilities and mandates as a credible member of the international community; and the traditional diplomacy that further promotes bonds of friendship and cooperation with as many partners as possible are all part of the efforts to realize the overarching principle of enhancing the well-being of the people and, more broadly, the global community.

Furthermore, the security diplomacy that seeks to secure peace by deterring North Korean aggression through a resolute principle of not accepting North Korean nuclear weapons, and to create peace by inducing change from North Korea; or the unification diplomacy that seeks to create a basis for unification by establishing a sustainable peace structure on the Korean Peninsula are also efforts to allow all people on the Korean Peninsula to feel a sense of happiness and well-being.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In pursuing such diplomatic objectives, the philosophy as well as the mechanism to be applied by the new government is trustpolitik.  The trustpolitik of the Park Geun-hye government is not a narrow-minded subjectivism or political romanticism.  Rather, it is based on our unique historical experience and realistic recognition of the realities surrounding the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

In the relationship among nation-states or in the formative process of a community, historical experiences tell us that sustainable cooperation always coincided with the existing level of trust.  Trust is an asset of cooperation, a public infrastructure, and an indispensible requirement for genuine peace. Peace without trust is only a fragile, bogus peace. For trust to take root, a time-consuming process and consistency are required. Trustpolitik is an effort by which the infrastructure of trust is built so that cooperation can be induced at the highest level.

The trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation initiative of the new government are efforts to build lasting peace and cooperation on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia through Trustpolitik.

The Korean Peninsula is where such trust is most needed.  The trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula is a concept through which the two Koreas normalize relationship by building trust and establish sustainable peace so that ultimately launches an era of unification in which the happiness and well-being of everyone on the Korean Peninsula are ensured.

By adhering to the principle of the trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula that seeks to open a new era of inter-Korean relations that respects promises and follows international standards led North Korea to accept the terms for progressive normalization and internationalization of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex on August 14th.  Going forward, we must continue to lead North Korea to show further change and maintain close coordination within the international community so that the denuclearization process makes progress.

Looking at the wider region of Northeast Asia, a paradoxical situation wherein economic interdependence is greatly enhanced while conflict surrounding historical and territorial issues is also intensified.  Northeast Asia is a region that suffers from a trust deficit and the core solution to resolve this phenomenon is a trust-building process.

The Northeast Asia peace and cooperation initiative is an effort which seeks to engage Northeast Asian nations which do not have a tradition of multilateral cooperation in a multilateral framework for dialogue to begin to build trust by engaging in discussions and fostering cooperation in areas in which it is feasible to do so, such as on soft issues and then expanding the realm of cooperation on to security and others. Ultimately, it is a concept that seeks to overcome conflict and enmity and to build a new order of peace and cooperation.

On the other hand, for past decades Korea’s diplomatic horizons have expanded globally from a few important neighbors to the rest of Asia and Oceania, from Eurasia to the Americas, Africa and the Arctic. Korea under the Park Geun-hye government seeks to take on a rightful responsibility and role in shaping various global agenda as a credible member of the international community.

In various multilateral for such as the UN, G-20, APEC, ASEM, and the EAS, Korea will seek to play an active role in the norm formation process and will launch a mechanism for cooperation with similar sized middle-power states that share common values.

As can be seen, trustpolitik is a policy that seeks to form the relationship between Korea and the international community in a comprehensive manner, through which it reaches beyond the happiness for all habitants of the Korean Peninsula to Northeast Asia and the whole of humankind. Of course, given the nature of a trust-building process that requires patience and long-term efforts, we fully intend to avoid the trappings of temporary progress and setbacks, and apply consistent efforts through the entire 5-year length of this government.

Through this effort, the Park Geun-hye government seeks to overcome the uncertainty of the transition period and contribute to the formation of a new Korean Peninsula, a new Asia and a new world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The theme of this year’s World Congress, “the World and Korean Politics: Influence and Contribution” is quite appropriate given that it aims to evaluate Korea’s position in the world from political, security, and diplomatic perspective, and to debate the future that we seek, and thereby create new discourse and vision for the years ahead.  I hope that this conference will yield wisdom and opinions that will enrich political science both in Korea and at the world level. I ask you to gather your intellect and experience together so that Korea can find its rightful place in the newly-forming international order as a credible and invaluable member of the international community.

In this great journey to build a new world filled with peace and prosperity, freedom and justice, and happiness, I hope that everyone here will play a role of a trusted guide.  Thank you.