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(영문) 한-에티오피아 수교 50주년 기념 리셉션 외교장관 축사

2013-06-21 20:03:00

Congratulatory Remarks by H.E. Yun Byung-se
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea

50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Ethiopia
June 21, 2013

Foreign Minister Tedros
Ambassador Dibaba,
김춘진 의원님, 박승춘 국가보훈처장님,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I first say that I am delighted to be here this evening with you to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Ethiopia.  Let me also extend a special welcome to His Excellency Minister Tedros and his delegation that made a long journey from Addis Ababa to be here with us this evening.

There is a saying, “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”  Looking back at the journey Korea and Ethiopia took together over the past 50 years, this proverb may well reflect the relations between our two nations as well.

Although the distance of 15 thousand kilometers places us apart, we have nurtured our valued friendship over the past half century as friends who sharpen the countenance of each other.  Now, with the virgin flight of Ethiopian Airline to Incheon Airport that Minister Tedros and his delegation took, Korea and Ethiopia have become ever closer neighbors.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The start of the friendship between Korea and Ethiopia dates back 62 years from today to 1951.  In May of that year, in the midst of the Korean War, a group of young men from Ethiopia arrived in Busan after having traveled half way around the world.  They were the brave and proud Ethiopians responding to the call of the international community to fight for freedom and to protect peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Over the five subsequent years, more than six thousand Ethiopian soldiers came to Korea, a country they had never known, to save and to protect its people.  Their bravery and courage are recorded in the history of the Korean War, as they fought in the fiercest Central Front, with 122 men dead, 536 men injured, yet not a single hostage taken to the enemy.  They fought in 253 battles and were victorious in all.

Thanks to the noble sacrifice and the courageous accomplishments of these Ethiopian warriors, Korea developed into a leading democracy in Asia and one of the most dynamic economic powerhouse in the world today.  The ‘Miracle on the Han River’ was possible with the help rendered by Korea’s friends like Ethiopia.  The people of Korea will never forget the invaluable help of Ethiopia.  We will forever cherish it.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Korea, a nation of 5,000 year history, and Ethiopia, the land of King Solomon and Queen Sheba, both have developed a unique culture in our own beautiful languages.  The peoples of our land share a similar trait in that we seek to make the world a more peaceful and just, and that we will do what we must to make the world as such.  In our long histories, we vividly remember the tragedy of civil strife and the invasions from without.  We both have experienced overcoming the dire poverty and despair moved into a path of stability and development.

In particular, the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi embodied such characteristics of our peoples.  A true friend of Korea and a shining star in Africa, he dedicated his life to bring peace and prosperity to Africa.  It is my understanding that it is upon his great work that Ethiopia today enjoys the economic progress against the backdrop of the political stability.

It may be that our shared characteristics and historical experiences lead us to yearn ever so strongly for peace and prosperity.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In Korea, President Park Geun-hye took office in February as the first female president in the history of Korea, as well as in Northeast Asia.  Through her inaugural speech, President Park presented her vision to pursue “The Second Miracle on the Han River” as well as the happiness for the entire global village.

This vision follows the maxim of “Prosper thy neighbor,” as it seeks to achieve common growth through cooperation with our neighbors, to fulfill the happiness of all members of the global village, beyond the happiness of the Korean people.

Our cherished friend Ethiopia that responded to the call for peace and justice 60 years ago, is already nurturing the dream of common growth together.  Ethiopia is already Korea’s largest development partner in Africa.  Our experts are working side by side to develop Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan, human resources, Knowledge Sharing Partnership, as well as in areas of public health, education and agriculture.

In particular, as an expression of our heartfelt appreciation to Ethiopia, Korea began to invite descendants of the Korean War veterans to Korea for their vocational training since last year.  Through this program, our hope is to train these sons and daughters of the Korean War veterans to become leaders that will contribute to Ethiopia’s economic development, as well as a bridge to strengthen the friendship between our two countries.  Furthermore, recognizing the importance of agriculture in the Ethiopian economy, Korea is actively promoting the “Seamaul Undong” that played such an important role in the modernization of Korea’s own agricultural sector in the past.

As you can see, the pursuit of happiness of the global village that Korea is seeking aims to achieve economic development and self-sustainability of many developing countries around the world. By sharing Korea’s development experiences and know-how, we hope to help our neighbors to achieve economic success quickly and proudly.  It is not just a financial aid.  Instead, the Korean model of development attaches great importance to the ‘Can-do spirit’, capacity building, and the tailored approach that takes into consideration the needs of our partners.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In an address to his loyal soldiers as they were to depart for the unknown land of Korea, Emperor Haile Selassie said, “with God’s blessing, I will pray with the people of Ethiopia for you to return unharmed to the beloved land of Ethiopia upon completion of the mission in the Korean War.”  When the last group of these brave Ethiopian soldiers returned home from Korea, having successfully completed the given mission to protect freedom and peace in Korea, they were no longer alone.  Because these brave men returned to Ethiopia with the fond memories of their brother land Korea and the genuine friendship of the Korean people.

Over the past 50 years, Korea shined as her noble friend Ethiopia was there to sharpen her countenance.  From now on, we will sharpen each other. We will dream together the common bright future of peace and prosperity.

Let me congratulate once again the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic relationship.  Thank you.