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Post-2015 개발의제에 대한 동북아 지역 청년 세미나 폐회사(2013.1.9, 고려대)

2013-01-10 14:23:00

         North-East Asian Youth Consultation

Future Leaders of Northeast Asia,
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to meet future leaders of Northeast Asia and hear your voices for our common future, the future we want. I would like to thank you for providing creative and resourceful ideas during the seminar.

(MDG 평가)

The 2000 UN Millennium Declaration presented a vision for humanity and the earth in the 21st century. The Millennium Development Goals contributed a great deal to realizing some of the values indicated in the Declaration by garnering international support on the development issues such as reducing poverty, combating diseases and raising public awareness on development. Indeed, the MDGs have served as the common goals that the entire humanity could share for the first time in history.

(Post-2015 논의 준비)

Building upon the strengths and weaknesses of the MDGs, Post-MDGs could be understood as the second stage for implementing the Millennium Declaration. While the MDGs were adopted in a top-down manner, Post- MDGs seek to adopt a bottom-up approach, putting special emphasis on a comprehensive consultation process.

To this end, the UN Secretary General initiated two processes. One is the establishment of the UN High-level Panel on Post-MDGs, and the other is the UNDP national consultation process which seeks to collect diverse opinions of the global community on key thematic issues.

This seminar was held so that you could provide valuable inputs to this process. I will be reporting your ideas to the UN Secretary General and also reflect them in the work of the Panel.

(UN 고위급패널 활동)

Since its establishment in July last year, the UN High-level Panel on Post-2015 agenda held two meetings. I am participating as a member, and trying to incorporate Asian perspectives in the work of the Panel.
Thus far, the Panel agreed that its vision and responsibility should include a determination to "end poverty in all its form" and to "have in place the building blocks of sustained prosperity for all." The Panel also discussed the need to adopt a two-track approach, balancing universal goals with country-specific targets.

The next Panel meeting will be held in Liberia at the end of this month and will focus on national building blocks for sustained prosperity, followed by a meeting in mid-March in Bali with a focus on global partnerships and accountability. The Panel will be submitting the final report to the UN Secretary General in May.

(장관님 중점 분야)

As a panelist from a country which has succeeded in achieving both economic and social development in half a century, I am wondering about the common elements that could be shared with other countries, helping them escape from poverty and instill hope.

In this context, I would like to highlight the importance of generating a virtuous cycle between economic growth and human development. Economic growth is not a sufficient condition for sustainability but it is definitely a necessary condition. Furthermore, ensuring a fair distribution of the fruits of economic growth would be the most desirable scenario. In this regard, I believe that 'inclusive economic growth' should be adopted as one of the main themes.

Moreover, attention should be given to the "Green Growth" as a vital strategy to achieve the two imperative goals, namely sustained economic growth and environmental management. Green growth is a significant strategy of growth both for developed and developing countries, that are all faced with the restraint of resources, climate changes and rapid urbanization.

I would also like to stress an implementation mechanism. I feel that the crucial element for the successful achievement of the Post-MDGs would be a comprehensive partnership comprising all stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector. In this regard, the 2012 Busan Global Partnership’s multi-stakeholder mechanism could provide a strong vehicle for the implementation of the Post-MDG framework.

Taking these considerations into account, I will be contributing two concept papers to the Panel: one on Green Growth and the other on Post-MDG implementation mechanism. Other members of the Panel are also expected to enrich the work of the Panel with their own expertise and backgrounds. With these collective efforts, I am confident that the Panel will produce a visionary paper which is ambitious, bold but realistic at the same time.

(젊은이들에 대한 당부)

My Young Friends,

Once the Post-MDGs are set through the inter-governmental consultation process, the next step will be to implement them well. Given that the new goals will serve as development goals for the global community in the coming decades, I hope that you will continue to play an active and significant role to realize the future we want.

I do not believe that we are short of resources or technology to carry out this change. It is a matter of will. Working together, we could build a new development paradigm.

Once again, I would like to thank all of you for your enthusiasm and valuable contribution to building the Post-MDG agenda.

I wish you all the best in the New Year and in your future. Thank you.

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 North-East Asian Youth Consultation 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.