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정해문 한-ASEAN 센터 사무총장 취임계기 리셉션 축사(3.23, 프레스센터)

2012-04-05 00:00:00

Ambassador Chan Ky Sim(찬키심), Chairman of the Council of the ASEAN-Korea Centre,
Ambassador 정해문, Secretary General of the ASEAN-Korea Centre,
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

I am pleased to attend this special occasion to celebrate the inauguration of Ambassador 정해문 as Secretary General of the ASEAN-Korea Centre. Based on my long fellowship with Ambassador 정, I have every confidence that the ASEAN-Korea Centre will thrive under his vision and leadership.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to underscore the significant role ASEAN is playing in addressing regional issues, and its commitments to broaden the scope of cooperation with its Dialogue Partners. As we are well aware, ASEAN-Korea relations have been expanding in all areas, and that our relations were  elevated to a "Strategic Partnership" in 2010. Indeed, we have come a long way since we established the dialogue partnership more than two decades ago. And I firmly believe that the future offers great potentials for furthering our already close ties.

In this context, I am pleased to note that the ASEAN-Korea Centre has been serving as an effective channel for the enhancement of the ASEAN-Korea partnership since its establishment in 2009. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff of the Centre for all their hard work and dedication.

This year, the ASEAN-Korea Centre is embarking on a new stage, the stage of consolidation. I sincerely hope that these endeavors will bear fruit and look forward to the Centre playing an even greater role in bolstering our partnership. The Korean Government is committed to strengthening the role of the Centre and will continue to work closely with ASEAN member states to this end.

Thank you.                   /End/