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핵안보정상회의 계기 고위대표를 위한 만찬사(3.26)

2012-03-27 00:00:00

Remarks at the Dinner for Plus Three Delegates

(26 March 2012)




Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is my great honor and pleasure to host this dinner for the distinguished participants in the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. And I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you.


On behalf of President Lee Myung-bak, I would like to thank you and your delegation for the valuable part you have played in preparing for the Summit. Your tireless efforts are deeply appreciated.


I am delighted and gratified to note that the Seoul Summit has such a wide attendance with a total of 57 states and international organizations attending. We will do all we can to make your stay most comfortable, and to ensure that the Summit and the bilateral visits and meetings to be held on the margins of the Summit are conducted smoothly and reap fruitful results.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Nuclear terrorism is one of the most challenging threat to global security which requires concerted actions by the international community. By translating the political will generated at the Washington Summit into tangible action, the Seoul Summit will seek to provide a comprehensive framework for countries to engage in sustained efforts to promote nuclear security. I am confident that our common commitment to a more peaceful and safer world shall indeed generate strong impetus for great strides to prevent nuclear terrorism.


From a long term perspective, I believe that the Summit will help to build confidence, which is an important asset in making progress in discussions on international security. It will thereby serve as a stepping stone to realizing the vision of a ‘world without nuclear weapons.’


And I take this opportunity to confirm that