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핵안보정상회의 계기 고위대표를 위한 오찬사(3.27)

2012-03-27 00:00:00

Remarks at the Luncheon for Plus Three Delegates
(27 March 2012)

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is good to see you all again.

I am very pleased to note that yesterday’s working dinner and today’s morning session were indeed highly productive.

Our Leaders thoroughly addressed the key issues. In reviewing the progress made since the Washington Summit, we have noted with satisfaction that most of the commitments have been translated into tangible action, thereby substantially advancing nuclear security around the world. This morning, the Leaders engaged in comprehensive discussions on ways to strengthen national measures and international cooperation. Many states announced voluntary national measures to enhance nuclear security, and we hope that more will follow during the afternoon session.

At the end of the Summit, our Leaders are to adopt the Seoul Communiqué, the outcome document of the Summit. The Seoul Communiqué will present very comprehensive and specific actions to combat nuclear and radiological terrorism. I firmly believe that it will provide a valuable framework for guiding and strengthening future cooperation.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Sherpas and other members of the delegation, for their behind-the-scenes efforts to ensure the success of the Summit. We have come a long way. But this is not the end of the journey, and there is yet much to be done as we strive to achieve our common goals. And the actions and decisions that we take together shall determine how much we can achieve in the years ahead.

I sincerely hope that this luncheon will provide further opportunities for us to deepen the friendships we have already forged and to continue with the discussions we had from yesterday.

With that, I would like to propose a toast to the resounding success of the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit and to our joint endeavors to make the world a safer place.

Cheers! /End/