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유엔 총회 연설문

2011-06-22 15:26:00

유엔 총회 연설문

2011.6.21(현지시간), 미국 뉴욕
김성환 외교통상부장관

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General,
Excellencies and Distinguished Delegates,

It is my distinct honour and privilege to address this august hall today. I stand here now to share with all of you the great joy of the people of the Republic of Korea for the reappointment of the Secretary-General His Excellency Dr. Ban Ki-moon. I express the warmest congratulations to the Secretary-General, on behalf of the Korean people and the Government, for the unanimous decision on his second term. The Republic of Korea greatly looks forward to another five fruitful years under his outstanding, dynamic, and competent leadership of the United Nations.
Secretary-General Ban is widely acknowledged and respected in Korea and beyond for his virtues of integrity, diligence, and a strong work ethic. In my Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade where he spent most of his career, he is remembered as a legendary diplomat with great admiration. His legend comes from many distinctive attributes resting in his ability to communicate with the people from the heart, to make the most sensible decisions in the most difficult moments, and to realize justice based on courage. These are the assets that have driven not only his career, but also his life.
His achievements as Secretary-General of the United Nations over the past four and a half years are grounded not only in these qualities, but also in his humanity. He has placed priority on reaching out to those in great distress all around the world in locations such as Haiti, Gaza, Myanmar, Chile, and Pakistan when natural disasters or conflict hit those areas.

What is more, he has been determined in echoing the call of the people for democracy and human rights when time has come. Recently in North Africa and the Middle East, he took swift and decisive steps to lead the world to address the situation with both wisdom and courage. In addressing these crises, he demonstrated not only humanism but also determined action based on good judgment. In the case of Cote d’Ivoire, his tireless passion played a pivotal role not only in safeguarding the principles of democracy, but also protecting civilian lives.

In the face of an increasing number of global challenges, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has constantly underlined the central role of multilateralism.  With his commitment, the critical issue of climate change has been elevated to the forefront of the international agenda. Moreover, international efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals have been further galvanized.

Secretary-General of the United Nations may be the “most impossible job on earth” as the first Secretary-General, Trygve Lie, once described it. However, we have every confidence that with full support from the Members, Secretary-General will continue to be the leader to show the way forward in achieving the goals which unite us – the goals of peace and prosperity for humankind.

It is my sincere hope that throughout his term in office Secretary-General Ban shall continue to enjoy the unanimous support evident here today. For its part, the Republic of Korea will stand firmly behind his noble endeavors to create a “Stronger UN for a Better World.”

In this regard, the Republic of Korea will continue to support and join the UN’s efforts to successfully reach the Millennium Development Goals. In addition to our commitment to doubling ODA by 2015, Korea is implementing domestic policies and pursuing global partnerships which will contribute to accelerating the development consensus of the G-20 Summit held in Seoul last year. Furthermore, we will host High Level Forum 4 in Busan this November to assess the effectiveness of aid and discuss the possible linkage of aid policy to development effectiveness. 

The Republic of Korea is also strongly committed to maintaining international peace and security, and will continue to support the UN’s role in preventing and responding to conflicts around the world. Currently, some 600 Korean soldiers are serving in 9 peacekeeping missions, including in Lebanon and Haiti. The hosting of the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Korea next year also serves as a clear demonstration of our sincere commitment to global peace and security.

I would like to bring my remarks to a close by extending my best wishes for the continued success of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in making the United Nations a stronger and more effective Organization. It is assured that the Korean People and Government will be a part of this process. Indeed, we are all a family that must continue to strive forward together in pursuit of the lofty goals which unite us. I thank you Mr. President. /End/