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Iftar 만찬사(8.16)

2011-08-16 10:15:00

Remarks by H.E. Mr. KIM Sung-Hwan,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea
at the Iftar Dinner
, 16 August 2011


   Your Excellency Vitali Fen (비탈리 펜),
   Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
   Your Excellency Issam Mostapha (이삼 무스타파),
   Dean of the Arab Diplomatic Corps,
   Your Excellencies,
   Distinguished Guests,

   Ramadan Kareem! (라마단 카림!)
    ※ 아랍어로 “라마단월은 관대하다!”라는 뜻으로 무슬림들의 라마단 인사말
    ※ 올해 라마단은 8.1-8.29까지이며, 라마단을 잘 마친 것을 축하하는 3일간의 ‘이드’축제 (Eid, 8.30-9.1)가 이어짐.

   It is a great privilege for me to host this evening's Iftar during the holy month of Ramadan.

   Ramadan is a time when 1.5 billion Muslims around the world are united in a sprit of tolerance and sacrifice. It is also a time that reminds us of the importance of charity and service to those less fortunate, which are in fact timeless values that are dear to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

   This time of spiritual reflection and intense devotion shows us that the hallmarks of Ramadan - concord and reconciliation - are universal values of humanity we all cherish. Indeed, the practice of breaking each day's fast with others during Ramadan reflects this spirit of tolerance, fellowship and community. 

   Ramadan is also a time to reflect upon Islam's vibrant culture, which has contributed to the enrichment of humankind throughout history. From Saladin's generous acts of mercy to remarkable accomplishments in science and maths, Islam has been a force for progress. Indeed, Korea has also been enriched by its interaction with Islamic culture.
    ※ 살라딘: 뛰어난 지도력과 군사적 역량으로 무슬림과 기독교계 모두에 널리 알려져 있으며, 십자군 전쟁시 보인 기사도 정신과 자비심은 수많은 전설과 기록으로 남아 있음. 

   Most of you are aware that Korea's ties with Islamic culture date back to the days of the Shilla Dynasty in the 9th century. Many Muslim merchants visited Korea and some  of them even settled here. It was also those Muslim merchants who spread the name of 'Corea (Korea)' to the West through the Silk Road in the Koryo Dynasty, the dynasty which succeeded Shilla. Blessed by the contributions of Muslims in Korean history, we have great respect for their deep faith and compassion.

   I am also pleased that Korea and the Muslim world have grown closer both emotionally and culturally, thereby building upon the bonds that we have formed from the sharing of common values such as filial piety and respect for tradition. This is clearly evident from the great popularity of Korean soap operas and movies across the Muslim world.

   Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

   The Korean Government will seek to promote greater understanding between Korea and the Muslim world. In mid-October, the Korea-Arab Friendship Express Caravan will visit several countries in the Maghreb and the Middle East to encourage cultural and economic exchanges with the Arab and Muslim world. Organized for the fourth time by the Korea-Arab Society (KAS), the Caravan event is becoming an annual tradition that is of great value in strengthening our bonds of friendship. Furthermore, the 8th Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum will be held on Jeju to discuss ways to deepen the bonds of cooperation between Korea and the Middle East.

   It is my sincere hope that these events will help to further deepen a sense of solidarity that truly brings us together. I take this opportunity to call upon all of you to continue to unite in the efforts to further deepen the bonds between Korea and the Muslim world.

   As we celebrate together the breaking of the fast, let us honor the Muslim nations that Korea is proud to call friends. And let us renew our shared determination to strengthen our friendship, cooperation and mutual respect. This is indeed in keeping with the Ramadan spirit of peace and love.

   I sincerely hope that this is a blessed Ramadan for all of us here, for Muslims in Korea, and for Muslims around the world.  May the peace of God be with all of you.

   Assalamu alaikum, wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
   (아쌀라-무 알라이쿰, 와라흐마툴라히 와바라카-투후!)
    ※ ‘알라의 평화, 자비, 그리고 축복이 여러분과 함께 하기를’ 이라는 뜻의 아랍어