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아태통신사 정상회의 장관 오찬사

2010-04-22 00:00:00

아태통신사 정상회의 장관 오찬사

유명환 외교통상부 장관
2010년 4월 22일

Mr. Park Jung-chan, President and CEO of Yonhap News Agency,
Mr. Park Jin, Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the National Assembly, Mr. Ahmad
Mukhlis Yusuf, Chairman of the OANA, Distinguished Delegates,

It is indeed a great pleasure and honor for me to welcome all of you to the OANA (Organization of Asia-Pacific
News Agencies) Summit Congress.

The OANA, since its establishment in 1961, on a UNESCO initiative, has endeavored to promote the direct
and free exchange of information between news agencies in the region. It has also worked hard in seeking
to ensure greater free access to information, lessen the digital divide, and even deal with such global issues
as famine, disease and unemployment. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere
appreciation for the invaluable role you have played.

I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to the Yonhap News Agency for all the hard
work to make this wonderful event possible. Since its launch in 1981, Yonhap has continued to open the
new horizon, emerging as Korea's leading news agency, earning widespread respect and trust. In
particular, it has played a significant role in enhancing access to news and information on Korea by
providing news services in six languages.

Now Yonhap is reaching out to play a leading role in the Asia-Pacific region to work out solutions to
challenges that we all face. In this respect, it is indeed a meaningful undertaking that Yonhap is hosting
the CEO summit of OANA members under the theme of "Challenges and opportunity for news agencies." 

In particular, I believe it noteworthy that news agencies from around the Asia-Pacific region have gathered
here today. The Asia-Pacific region is indisputably an emerging area in the 21st century in terms of its GDP
and trade volume. The dynamic nature of the region presents common challenges that no individual country
or entity can tackle alone.

It is in recognition of the importance of regional cooperation that the Korean Government announced the
 "New Asia Initiative" in March 2009. The initiative seeks to promote the strengthening of partnerships
among countries in the region and the fostering of more systematic cooperation.

We are now witnessing the enormous evolution of media platforms. The fundamental challenge we face
is that media platforms are evolving in such a rapid manner that applications for each platform are
becoming outdated so quickly.

Accordingly, the OANA Conference, bringing together 44 news agencies, presents a rare and precious
opportunity for us all to share our experiences and engage in discussions on ideas with a view to coming
up with the best possible solutions.
If we can draw up action plans to make the most of new emerging media platforms, it will certainly help
to provide more equal and faster information access for a greater number of people and encourage
proactive communication among citizens. And all of these will be conducive to fostering an environment
in which democracy can truly blossom and mature.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to bring my welcoming remarks to a close by reminding you some of upcoming global
events that Korea is to host. Currently, Korea is exerting dedicated efforts in the preparations for the
G20 Summit in November in Seoul. In addition, Seoul will be hosting the 4th High Level Forum on Aid
Effectiveness (HLF-4) in 2011, which is an important part of the international endeavors to identify ways
to more effectively manage the aid process. Furthermore, Seoul will host the second Nuclear Security
Summit in 2012, as we seek to continue to play a valuable part in achieving the global task of a nuclear
weapon-free world.

In order to contribute more to the international community, we have also joined the OECD Development
Assistance Committee, and are continuing to dispatch PKO troops to areas experiencing difficulties. It is
my sincere hope that the distinguished guests here today do join our efforts because, in a world more
closely intertwined than ever, we face common problems, and the only way to resolve these challenges
is for us to work together.

I would therefore like to invite you to share your invaluable insights. I have every confidence that you will
find yourselves enriched by the pooling of your wisdom and would like to thank you in advance for your
valuable participation.

Thank you.