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OSCE Troika-아시아 협력동반자국 외교장관회의 발언문

2010-12-02 10:05:00

OSCE Troika-아시아 협력동반자국 외교장관회의 발언문

2010.12.1(수) 15:00
카자흐스탄 아스타나

  Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for allowing me to take the floor.

  At the outset, I would like to extend my deep gratitude to the Kazakhstan Government and the OSCE Secretariat for their excellent arrangements in this Summit and the Troika-Asian Partners meeting.

I also thank the Greek Chairmanship of the Asian Contact Group and Special Representative Ambassador Tezgor (테즈고) for helping to enhance cooperation between OSCE and the Asian Partners this year.

  Mr. Chairman,

  I am pleased to observe the OSCE and the Asian Partners engaging in multi-dimensional cooperation, by holding the annual OSCE-Asian Partners Conference and, appointing the Chair's Special Representative since 2009.

  Northeast Asia has a great deal to learn from the experience of the OSCE in seeking an effective response to new security threats and fostering the dissolution of the Cold War through a comprehensive approach to security.

  Since becoming a Partner for Cooperation in 1994, Korea has steadily enhanced mutual dialogue and cooperation with the OSCE.

During this year, Korea actively participated in various discussions with a strong interest in the OSCE Process.

  In particular, at the Seoul OSCE-Korea Conference held in May this year, in-depth discussions were made on all three dimensions of security in OSCE; namely the feasibility of applying the Corfu Process to Northeast Asia, energy and transportation security, and the contribution of women to security.

This Conference reaffirmed the importance of the comprehensive approach to security.

  Moreover, Korea participated in the seminar on Northeast Asia Multilateral Security Cooperation in Almaty in April, and the 5th OSCE-ACG Meeting in Vienna in November, thereby exchanging views on the North Korean nuclear issue and the direction of multilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia.

  I also expect that the training program for experts from OSCE-Partners, due to begin next year, will contribute to the enhancement of substantial cooperation between the OSCE and the Partners.

Korea plans to actively participate in this program.

  Mr. Chairman,

  I understand that the final document of this Summit will include directions for enhanced cooperation between the OSCE and partner countries.

I also anticipate that a tangible cooperation plan will emerge through the adoption of an Action Plan.

  Korea will actively take part in the adoption and implementation of the Action Plan.

I hope that the OSCE will provide constructive ideas to resolve the main security problems facing Korea, including the North Korean nuclear issue.

  Korea will host a seminar next year under the theme of promoting peace on the Korean Peninsula and comprehensive security in Northeast Asia.

I ask for the active cooperation and participation by the OSCE participants and the partner countries.

  I also wish for the successful hosting of the OSCE-Mongolia Conference and the Seminar on Northeast Asia Multilateral Security Cooperation, to be held in Ulan Bator next May, in which Korea will actively participate.

  Mr. Chairman,

  Please allow me to take this opportunity to update you on the recent security situation on the Korean Peninsula.

  On November 23, artillery shells from North Korea pounded the Yeonpyeong Island of the Republic of Korea.

The North Korean military had staged an unprovoked attack on our territory.

Two of our marines and two innocent civilians were murdered as a result of this heinous act.

Many more were injured.

North Korea's shelling of Yeonpyeong constitutes an atrocious and illegal act, in clear violation of the United Nations Charter, the Armistice Agreement, and relevant inter-Korean agreements.

  This indiscriminate firing upon innocent civilians within residential areas, which caused the deaths of civilians and the destruction of scores of homes is appalling and unforgivable.

It is none other than an utterly despicable, cowardly and inhuman act.

  I will be addressing this matter at the plenary session tomorrow, and urge the international community to condemn North Korea in the strongest possible terms for its latest provocation.

The Korean government anticipates that each participant of this summit will take up a firm and clear stance against any aggressive actions by North Korea.

  Thank you.  /End/