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장관, 주한 미 2사단 위문 방문 연설문

2007-12-21 14:58:00

Speech by Minister Song at Camp Casey

  Ambassador Vershbow, Lieutenant General Valcourt, Major General Morgan, and
  All the servicemen and women in the Camp Casey of the 2nd Infantry Division,

  On behalf of the Korean government and people, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the USFK personnel for your important duty here.

  Christmas is just a few days away.
But you are spending the holidays in Korea, a place far away from your homes and beloved families.

  But, I feel the atmosphere here is not frozen. 
It is because you know that you are working and fighting for a cause, a just cause of maintaining peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.
We all know that in this shrunken world, the peace in Asia is not separate from the peace in America.

  Just as this Camp was named after Major Casey to commemorate his valiant acts during the Korean War, your courage and sacrifice for peace and freedom will be cherished by all Koreans for a very long time in the future.

  The Korea-US Alliance is one of the most successful alliances in the post-World War era.

  The alliance was a well-conceived strategic choice that has served the vital interests of our two countries.

  It has also served as a stabilizing force for peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia.

  Korea and the United States are now smoothly readjusting the military structure of the Alliance, including the transition of wartime OPCON and the consolidation of USFK bases which will substantially improve the stationing conditions for the USFK.

  The readjustment of the Alliance, once completed, would enable Korean forces to take a primary responsibility for Korea's own defense, while US forces will play a valuable supporting role.

  It will thus strengthen the stabilizing role of the U.S forces throughout the Northeast Asian region.

  This is certainly a vision.
I believe the other countries in the region would also be receptive to the vision.

  In the coming years, our two allies should be working closely to jointly develop a broader perspective and achieve common goals for the future Alliance :

  First, the Alliance will continue to serve as a firm foundation for resolving the North Korean nuclear issue.

  Second, the Alliance will pave the way to establish a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.

  Third, the Alliance will secure the continued role of the United States as a stabilizer in the region, thus promoting common prosperity.

  Fourth, the Alliance will be an essential element in building a regional security and cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia.

  Fifth, the Alliance will promote universal values and enhance cooperation on a range of global issues including counter-terrorism.

  In this vision, the Alliance is not an Alliance against someone but an Alliance for something, that is achieving peace, stability and prosperity for all.

  This vision is premised on resolving the North Korean nuclear issue through peaceful means.
Lately we are witnessing the Six-Party Talks are making tangible progress by implementing the agreement reached so far.

  This Process of denuclearization does not cease at shutting down the Yongbyon nuclear facilities, but is moving one step further into the dismantlement of North Korean nuclear program.

  We would not be where we are today if it had not been for the tight coordination between our two countries.
In recent years, our two governments have been in close consultations, thus allowing no daylight between us on North Korean nuclear issue.

  Although there may be some ups and downs in the road ahead, we will make our utmost to persuade North Korea to dismantle its nuclear programs.

  North Korea seems to be afraid of being driven out to the cold if it abandons its nuclear weapons.
But exactly the opposite is the case.
By resolving the nuclear issue North Korea will be able to come to the warm.

  I believe now is the time for the North Korean leadership to make the strategic decision to give up all its nuclear programs. 
The Republic of Korea and the United States are united and ready to welcome North Korea to come to the bright path.

  Warriors of the Camp Casey,

  Visiting the Camp Casey today, I realize the reason why all the servicemen and women in the 2nd ID are called "Warriors".

  I can see the strong will and the high spirit in the faces of all of you.

  Let me invite you to repeat after me the favorite slogan of the 2nd ID three times!

  "Second to None!", "Second to None!", "Second to None!"

  I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you very much.
