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송민순 장관 Peter MacKay 캐나다 외교장관 만찬사

2007-05-30 10:36:18


Minister MacKay,

Distinguished Guests,

It is indeed a great honor and privilege for me to host this dinner for Minister MacKay and his delegation on this delightful evening.  I am especially pleased to have such an outstanding political leader of Canada and an able diplomat who is competently heading Canada's extensive foreign policy.  In this regard, Minister MacKay, I would like to wholeheartedly welcome you to Korea and also to my residence. 

I had a very constructive and fruitful meeting with Minister MacKay this afternoon, and am deeply impressed by his insight and wisdom on bilateral and multilateral issues of our mutual interest.  Our meeting provided a timely occasion to reaffirm the two nations' common desire to strengthen cooperation and partnership for many years to come.  

I am sure everyone here fully appreciates the mutual benefits Korea and Canada have drawn from our bilateral relations.  Our two countries have maintained an excellent level of cooperation on bilateral as well as multilateral issues since the establishment of our diplomatic relations in 1963.  Annual 7 billion-dollar two-way trade, Canada's increasing investment in Korea, and increasing people-to-people exchanges currently numbering over 260 thousand are but a few examples that demonstrate the ever-broadening and deepening partnership between our two countries.  Over 8 thousand Canadians working as English teachers in Korea are also serving as important asset to our relations.  Globally, Korea and Canada are also cooperating closely in various fora, including the UN, APEC and the OECD, based on the shared values of democracy, market economy, human rights, and rule of law. 

Taking this opportunity, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for the assistance and support Canada has rendered to Korea.  As the third largest troop contributor during the Korean War, 26 thousand Canadian troops fought side by side with our troops, and more than 500 precious lives were sacrificed for the sake of freedom and democracy in this country.  Canada also has consistently given strong support for our policy towards North Korea as well as our goal to secure peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.  I hear that Minister MacKay will be visiting the Demilitarized Zone tomorrow morning.  I hope that your visit will serve as a good opportunity to gain a better understanding of the reality of the division on the Korean Peninsula.

 Now, Korea and Canada are undertaking new steps to upgrade our relationship by the efforts to conclude a Free Trade Agreement.  Just last week, the tenth round of the FTA negotiations were held here in Seoul, and substantial progress has been made in various areas.  Considering the potential of both economies for further growth and the two industries' complementary nature, I am convinced that the Korea-Canada FTA will be greatly beneficial to both countries and will set the ground for further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Finally, Minister MacKay, although your stay in Seoul is rather short, I hope that you will find it most enjoyable and rewarding.

Please join me in a toast for the continued good health and success of Minister MacKay and the everlasting friendship between Korea and Canada.  Thank you.      /END/