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송민순 장관 SAARC 정상회의 연설 (영문)

2007-05-30 10:32:48















3 APRIL 2007



Your Excellency Dr. Manmohan Singh, Chairman of SAARC,

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,


I would like to begin by offering my sincere congratulations to Your Excellency Dr. Singh on being elected as the Chair of SAARC. I also wish to express my deep gratitude to the SAARC member countries for inviting the Republic of Korea to this session as an Observer. 


Your Excellencies,


 South Asia, the cradle of human civilization, is currently home to one fourth of the world's population. Located at the crossroads of the East and the West, the South Asian region has been blessed with rich cultural heritage, and diversity of religions and ethnicities. With these distinct qualities, this region has contributed tremendously to the development of human civilization. And today, drawing upon this diversity and dynamism, South Asia is demonstrating a renewed sense of vitality. In fact, the world is admiring the rapid pace at which South Asia is turning its huge growth potential into a reality. 


Moreover, the development and integration of SAARC for the past several years has been remarkable. With the launching of the South Asia Free Trade Area (SAFTA), the framework for regional economic integration has been put firmly in place. Furthermore, on the occasion of this New Delhi Summit, Afghanistan has joined SAARC as a full member. In addition, five non-regional countries are attending the SAARC Summit as Observers for the first time.


Your Excellencies,


Ever closer ties are being forged between the Republic of Korea and SAARC. The economic development of SAARC countries and Korea has brought about a growing mutual interdependence. Since the year 2000, the volume of Korea's trade with SAARC countries has been increasing at an average rate of 22% per year, and two-way trade reached 11 billion dollars in 2006. Korea's direct investment in SAARC countries has also been increasing at an average of 23% per year.  Up to 2006, there have been 533 cases of Korea's direct investment in SAARC countries, amounting to a total of 1.4 billion dollars.  


Also, Korea is fully supporting SAARC, in its pursuit of various policy goals, including the promotion of economic cooperation, resolution of social issues, protection of the environment, and disaster relief.


 On the basis of this strong cooperative ties, the Observer status in SAARC will generate a fresh momentum for the Republic of Korea to further enhance its cooperation with SAARC and contribute to the advancement of this forum.  In this regard, Korea's unique experience and expertise of its own national development will be useful assets in its efforts to cooperate with SAARC countries. The Korean government is willing  to consult closely with SAARC countries to develop concrete programs for cooperation. Korea is ready to share its experience in ICT, government innovation, human resources development as well as other areas in the economic field.


Your Excellencies,


The vestiges of the Cold War still linger on the Korean Peninsula. The Republic of Korea has been exerting every effort to achieve lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. With the continued support of the international community, including SAARC member countries, I am confident that the process of resolving the North Korean nuclear issue will move forward in irreversible way. I look to the SAARC member countries for their continued support in this regard.


Now I would like to conclude by expressing my heartfelt thanks to SAARC and the Government of India for their excellent preparations and warm hospitality. I am convinced that the 14th SAARC Summit will indeed be a great success. And it is my sincere hope that SAARC will continue to play a leading role in our shared efforts for the goal of promoting stability and prosperity in the South Asian region. 


Thank you. /END/