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CD(Community of Democracies) 오찬사

2006-09-22 18:58:52

Statement at CD Luncheon Meeting

- 19 Septembre 2006, New York -

Statement at CD luncheon meeting        

20 September 2006, New York

Your Excellency Foreign Minister Ouane of Mali, esteemed colleagues, distinguished representatives of NGO partners, ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to begin by extending my sincerest gratitude to Minister Ouane and the delegation of Mali.  I am deeply appreciative of their concerted efforts to further develop and institutionalize the Community of Democracies (CD) since assuming its presidency  last year.    

As a founding member of the CD and its Convening Group, as well as the host of the Second CD Ministerial Conference in 2002 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea is firmly committed to the work of the CD and its growing profile in the international community.  I am particularly happy to see the strong turnout for today's meeting, and very grateful for the excellent arrangements made by the Mali delegation. 

I would also like to commend the Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Malloch-Brown, for his briefing on the Democracy Fund.  I applaud the establishment of this new instrument for the promotion of democracy, and trust that it will enable the UN to take timely and meaningful action to facilitate the spread and strengthening of democracy and democratic governance around the world.  My government is fully committed to the Fund.  Just today, we have made our first input of 1 million dollars into the Fund, and we will continue with the contribution towards its growth in the years ahead.


Distinguished colleagues,

In surveying the state of the world today, it is clear that democracy and its core values of human rights and freedom have continued to gain ground during the past year, despite some setbacks and frustrating lack of progress in some corners. 

The surprising turn of events in Thailand is stunning.  But we must hope that the integrity of democracy in that country, which has been a leader of democratic progress in the region, will be preserved and the will of its people upheld in the end. 

Meanwhile, there has been meaningful gains for democracy in other corners.  In Iraq, with the active assistance of the international community, a newly elected government is endeavoring to chart a democratic path for the country.  Stability and democratic governance are making headway in such post-conflict countries of Africa as Sierra Leone, Liberia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  The road ahead for these fragile democracies are strewn with difficult barriers.  But their march toward democracy must not stop.  And it will not, if we are unwaivering in our faith in the democratic way and in our commitment to its universal materialization.  

Distinguished colleagues,

The Community of Democracies was forged to promote cooperation among democracies.  There are numerous tasks where the cooperation can make a real difference, such as strengthening good governance, fighting corruption, reducing the wealth gap, eliminating poverty elimination, safeguarding human rights, promoting gender equality, among others.  These are also key tasks for the UN, and CD members must be the most active advocates of and contributors to the UN's work in this regard.

Furthermore, the UN Human Rights Council has been launched to usher in a new era renewed cooperation in the UN's work on human rights.  Humanity cannot afford to miss this historic opportunity.  With a strong sense of duty and mission, the CD members must take the lead in forging an atmosphere of cooperation and solidarity so as to enable the  Human Rights Council to become the preeminent forum for the advancement of human rights around the world.  

Distinguished colleagues,

The Community of Democracies should aspire to be more action-oriented and multi-targeted.  In this regard, the heightened profile of the CD and the efforts made since the 3rd Ministerial Conference in Santiago to provide an institutional structure to the movement have been pivotal.  I greatly appreciate the efforts made by Italy and other members of the task force to establish a standing secretariat for the CD.  I encourage the task force to finalize the details, so that the 4th Ministerial in Mali next year will be able to launch the Secretariat of the CD.   Thank you.   /END/