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CTBT 외교장관회의 연설

2006-09-25 10:58:26

Statement by H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea

On the occasion of the CTBT Ministerial Meeting

20 September 2006, New York



Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


On this 10th anniversary of the opening for signature of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, it is my pleasure to be here at this highly important meeting to reaffirm our commitment to the CTBT.  I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the co-conveners, Australia, Canada, Finland, Japan and the Netherlands, for organizing this meeting.


Having served as the Chairman of the 8th Session of the CTBTO Preparatory Commission in 1999, I have closely followed and observed with hope the substantial progress towards achieving the universality of the Treaty, which now stands at 176 signatories and 135 ratifiers. I commend Ambassador Tibor Toth, Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission, and his staff for their tireless efforts to advance the cause of the CTBT.


Mr. Chairman,


Recent challenges in the field of international nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament highlight the significance of the CTBT and the urgency of its early entry into force. With our unwavering commitment to the CTBT as an essential pillar of the nuclear non-proliferation regime, I would strongly appeal to the international community to make every effort to achieve this goal.  In this regard, I call upon those States that have not yet signed and ratified the Treaty, in particular those remaining 10 States whose ratifications are required for the entry into force of the CTBT, to do so without further delay.


In the mean time, the ongoing CTBT outreach activities at the bilateral and multilateral levels, including the Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the CTBT, will help sustain the political momentum that is renewed today and facilitate the early entry into force of the Treaty.


The Republic of Korea remains firmly committed to the CTBT and will continue to spare no effort in advancing the noble goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.


Thank you.  /end/