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[연설문] 장관 - UN인권세미나 연설(영문)

2004-09-15 00:00:00




Welcome Speech

By H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

At the Seminar on Good Governance Practices

For the Promotion of Human Rights


Seoul, 15 September 2004






Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade




Madam High Commissioner, Excellencies, Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,


At the outset, let me begin by expressing warm welcome to all of you to the "Seminar on Good Governance Practices for the Promotion of Human Rights".   


I also express my sincere gratitude to Madam Justice Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for making her time available to join us today.


I am confident that High Commissioner Arbor, with her excellent record of achievements and expertise in the human rights arena, will fulfill her noble mandate with distinction for making a universal culture of human rights and  fundamental freedoms prevailing in this world.


I particularly take note of the presence of Her Excellency Mrs. Bitamazire(비타마지레), Minister of State for  Primary Education of Uganda, Her Excellency Dr. Ing(잉), Minister of Women's Affairs of Cambodia, and His Excellency Dr. Surin, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. I welcome them all and anticipate their contributions to this seminar.


I am grateful to all the distinguished representatives from governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations from every corner of the world united in the common interest and goal of promoting universal respect for human rights.   


My thanks also go to the panelists and moderators for their valuable contributions to this seminar.


Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,


There is a convincing argument put forward by many scholars that we approach the stage of an ideal society when human beings no longer suffer the abuse of their inalienable rights.


This belief is based on the firm conviction that human beings are born good and human history ultimately is steered by human reason.   I for one join such scholars in this belief.


It is obvious that considerable progress has been made in the enhancement of a universal culture of human rights and fundamental freedoms as human history has unfolded.





However, unfortunately, today's world does not yet witness to the ideal society.  The task of achieving universal respect for human rights remains daunting. Lamentable human rights violations still persist in this world. We hear  of innumerable instances of human rights abuse from various regions.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that the inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the very foundation for freedom, justice and peace in the world.


In this 21st century, I believe, we may one day realize the ideal of a society the prescient scholars and the Universal Declaration envisage. My government will do its proper part in this process and today's seminar is a clear demonstration of my government's strong commitment to this noble mission.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


    The title of this Seminar, "Good Governance Practices for the Promotion of Human Rights" is significant appropriate in light of the fact that good governance is prerequisite for the protection of human rights.


The international community has repeatedly affirmed in cardinal declarations the central role that good governance has to play in securing human rights.


For instance, in the Millennium Declaration of September 2000, world leaders pledged to "spare no effort to promote democracy and strengthen the rule of law, as well as respect for all internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development".   

The Monterrey Consensus, adopted in March 2002, also committed world leaders to "sound policies, good governance at all levels and the rule of law" as a way to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including those set out in the Millennium Declaration.


 The United Nations Commission on Human Rights has adopted resolutions on  the role of good governance in the promotion of human rights  without a vote every year since 2000.   


The Republic of Korea has co-tabled these resolutions alongside partners from regions across the world such as Australia, Poland, South Africa and Chile.   As you are aware, this seminar is taking place as a follow-up measure to the resolution adopted this year.  

    My government has hosted a number of important international events other than this seminar to promote human rights, democracy and the rule of law.  


The "2nd Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies" held here in Seoul in November 2002 culminated with the adoption of the Seoul Plan of Action.   


The action plan spelled out specific ideas to build stronger democracies through good governance, while acknowledging that democratic institutions and practices are the backbone of good governance.






In May 2003, my Government also hosted the "Third Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity", which urged, in its final declaration, the promotion and safeguarding of good governance, accountability, transparency, integrity and ethics in all sectors of society.


    Indeed, the Republic of Korea strongly upholds the universal values of freedom and human rights as the cornerstone of its foreign policy goals.


    The Government of President Roh Moo-hyun, inaugurated in February 2003 and proclaiming itself the "Participatory Government", sets out "democracy with the people" as one of its national goals.   




    It actively promotes democracy and good governance by encouraging and institutionalizing the people's full participation in the decision-making, review and implementation of national policies.


    We firmly believe that our national reform measures, including the promotion of good governance, can be successful only when tenaciously pursued and when all national actors, including civil society, participate in the democratic process.


    Korea has witnessed the rise of an increasingly vocal civil society.   With the growing participation of the public in the political process, the Korean society is entering into a full-fledged democracy.   Our efforts to achieve a more mature democracy have progressed in tandem with the furtherance of human rights.    

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Over the next two days, the experts as well as governmental, inter-governmental and NGO representatives gathered here are expected to engage in intensive dialogue on some exemplary cases of good governance practices yielding constructive results.


 The cases carefully selected for presentation here are diverse in light of the particular social, cultural, economic, political and historical contexts of each country concerned.   In fact, there is no "one size fits all" solution to a wide range of human rights abuses.   






I hope that these discussions will make a substantial contribution to the international debate on finding the best practical ways and means to implement human rights standards in local contexts.


Given the paramount importance of good governance, it is my sincere wish that this seminar does not prove to be a one-time exercise.   I hope that it will in fact prove to be a good start that will be followed up with similar meetings and seminars in other regions.


We need to step up to develop and compile a wide range of exemplary good governance practices and guidelines through exercises such as this seminar and ones to follow.   In so doing we can effectively translate international standards into a human rights reality for people everywhere.  

    Ladies and Gentlemen,


In conclusion, I would also like to commend the efforts of officials from the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UNDP for successfully organizing this seminar in cooperation with the  staff of my Ministry.   At the same time, my sincere appreciation goes to those governments that have made financial contributions to this seminar.


    I wish you all a memorable stay in Korea and every success in achieving your desired aims through attendance at this seminar.


Thank you.              /End/