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EU확대 기념행사 축사(주한 EU회원국대사 주최 리셉션)

2004-05-03 00:00:00

Remarks at Reception Hosted by the Ambassadors of Ireland, the European Commission, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic to Mark the May 1st Enlargement of the European Union

(May 3, 2004, Hilton Hotel)



   Ambassador Paul Murray,

   Distinguished Ambassadors of the EU, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen !



 It gives me real pleasure to join all of you this evening to celebrate the accession of ten new member states to the European Union on May 1.



 Let me extend, in particular, my heartfelt congratulations to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slovak Republic, those new members whose Ambassadors are present here as co-hosts of this happy event.



 I would also like to extend to the Ambassador of Poland my sincere congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of Polish Constitution Day, which falls on today.



 Over the past fifty years, Europe has undergone a gradual transformation, weathering the Cold War confrontation and antagonism, to eventually build a community of peace and harmony.



  We are now witnessing the culmination of this process in the recent enlargement, finally bringing to a close an old chapter of division and conflict in European history. In fact, the process of European integration harmonizing all different domestic systems with borders open has been a point of great interest and admiration to all Korean people.



  The EU is now poised to emerge as an even more vital force for peace, security and prosperity in Europe and beyond. In this regard, I am confident that the newly enlarged EU will be equal to the task of functioning effectively, and look forward to prompt agreement being reached on a new EU Constitution.



  The repercussions of this development will stretch to all corners of the globe. The EU’s moving beyond the past towards peace and cooperation is a lesson many regions will draw from. In this connection, the recent enlargement of the EU will serve as new stimulus for us in Northeast Asia in our moves towards building a community of peace and prosperity.



  I take this opportunity to express my great satisfaction that Korea and the EU have steadily developed close ties in a whole range of fields over the last four decades, forging strong bonds of partnership. EU has particularly taken initiative in engaging North Korea to the international community. EU’s contribution to KEDO and establishment of diplomatic relationship with resident embassies are greatly appreciated. Against the backdrop of the EU’s evolution, the Korean government will spare no effort to continue to take ROK-EU relations to  new heights in the 21st century.



  Congratulating the EU and its ten new members once again, may I now propose a toast to the continued prosperity of the enlarged EU and an everlasting friendship between the EU and Korea !


Thank you.