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한·영협회 연례만찬시 장관님 연설문(영)

2003-12-10 00:00:00


at the Annual Dinner of

the Korea-Britain Society



Yoon Young-kwan

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade


10 December 2003



Ambassador Morris,
President Han Seung-soo,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,



It is my great pleasure to be here with the most eminent members of the "Korea-Britain Society" for this "Annual Dinner".

Allow me to begin by taking this opportunity to commend the Korea-Britain Society for the valuable role it has played in enhancing cultural contacts and various people-to-people exchanges between Korea and the UK.

The Korea-Britain Society, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, is well placed to take on an even more significant role in the context of ever-closer ties between our two countries.

I welcome this dinner as an opportune moment to reflect on important events we have witnessed this year, and to ponder on their implications for future relations between Korea and the UK.

Developments this year in Korea-UK relations

The year 2003 has been marked by a series of meaningful events that have served to enhance Korea-UK relations still further.

Prime Minister Blair visited Korea in July, making him the first European Head of Government to do so since the inauguration of our new Government. President Roh and Prime Minister Blair agreed to exert every effort to develop a future-oriented Korea-UK partnership in the 21st century, building on their shared perceptions of major issues of the day. During their encounter, a close personal bond was forged between the two young and reform-minded leaders, which will prove to be an invaluable asset in Korea-UK relations.

 In April, I had the honour of addressing the opening session of the "11th Korea-UK Forum" for the Future. The well thought-out advice and recommendations from the meeting have enriched our outlook on the future of Korea-UK relations.

Furthermore, the Commemorative Service marking the 50th anniversary of the Armistice of the Korean War was held in July in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen at Westminster Abbey.

Overall, I am satisfied with the steady progress we have made in Korea-UK relations this year, and  look forward to this trend increasing further next year.

Cooperation between the ROK and UK on major international issues

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me now turn to the important international issues on which Korea and the UK have been cooperating closely. The cooperative ties we share illustrate that our two countries are in full agreement on key issues we face today.

(On terrorism and the reconstruction of Iraq)

Since the horrific terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001, Prime Minister Blair has been taking a leading role in international efforts to root out terrorism.

The UK has also been making vigorous efforts to restore peace and stability in Iraq and in the Middle East as a whole.

As a partner of the UK in establishing peace and stability around the world, Korea has been actively involved in the international community's efforts to help rebuild Iraq. In this regard, we pledged 260 million dollars at the International Donors' Conference on Reconstruction in Iraq held in Madrid in October.

The Korean government has also decided to dispatch additional troops to Iraq to help with reconstruction efforts and restoration of stability there. Having overcome the difficulties after the Korean War with the help of the international community, we now believe it is our turn to assist other countries in need.

(On the Korean Peninsula)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We appreciate that the UK has always been a firm supporter of our policy of engagement with North Korea. Over the past couple of years, the UK has engaged North Korea in dialogue and exchanges in hopes of guiding the North onto the path of reform and openness.

Since the nuclear issue emerged in October last year, the UK has been delivering a clear and strong message that North Korea must scrap its nuclear program while stressing the importance of the peaceful resolution of the issue.

 It is noteworthy that North Korea seems to have developed a perception of the UK as an important partner for economic cooperation and political dialogue.

 In this regard, I believe that the UK is ideally positioned to motivate North Korea to adopt elements of the market economy by providing economic assistance and training programs. I am confident that this will help to induce economic shifts in North Korea, leading eventually to political and social change throughout North Korean society.

Korea-UK Partnership for the Future

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The UK has always been a friend to Korea in times of need; as a staunch ally during the Korean War, a helping hand during the financial crisis several years ago, and an abiding supporter of our policy towards North Korea.

Furthermore, as was demonstrated in the ROK-UK summit in July, there is increasingly a convergence of views and interests between our two countries.

In the economic field, Korea and the UK have enjoyed a mutually rewarding relationship. There has been a steady rise in the exchanges and cooperation between the businesses of our two countries in the areas of aerospace, software, biotechnology, nanotechnology, e-commerce and venture capital.

In addition, the significant changes taking place in our respective regions are bringing greater relevance to closer cooperation between Korea and the UK. The UK is playing a leading role in the evolution of the EU, which is to emerge next May as the largest grouping of states in the world. In parallel, Korea is trying to play a bridge-building role in the development of a peaceful and prosperous Northeast Asia.

All these aspects speak volumes about the need to redouble our efforts to further strengthen the Korea-UK partnership, not only for the well-being of our two nations but also to make our respective regions and indeed the world a more prosperous and safer place to live in.

I am determined to go the extra mile for this noble aim.

Closing Remarks

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In closing, I wish to congratulate all of you on the many successes of the Korea-Britain Society this year in the enrichment of Korea-UK relations, and look forward to your continued contribution next year.I thank the Korea-Britain Society once again for inviting me to share in the friendship and hospitality of this delightful evening.

Thank you.