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한미동맹재단(KUSAF) 주관 UN참전용사 감사조찬(7.25.) 축사(영상)

2023-07-25 18:07:15

Remarks by H.E. Park Jin

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

July 25, 2023

Good morning, everyone!

Let me start by thanking the organizers of this meaningful event: 

The Korea-US Alliance Foundation and its President, General 임호영 and the Yeouido Full Gospel Church and its Senior Pastor, 이영훈.

I am especially pleased to extend my warm greetings to the UN Korean War veterans and their families. 

When war broke out on the Korean Peninsula in 1950, men and women from 22 nations from all continents came to help defend the Republic of Korea.

They came to help a nation they had never known, and a people they had never met. 

Those 22 countries are:

The United States, Canada, Colombia from the Americas.

The United Kingdom, Türkiye, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, 

Norway, Germany from Europe.

Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand and India from Asia and Oceania.

And from Africa, Ethiopia and South Africa sent troops to Korea’s aid. 

They selflessly answered the noble call to defend freedom and peace on the Korean Peninsula. 

This coming Thursday will mark the 70th anniversary of the day that the Korean War Armistice was signed. 

To honor the solemn occasion, I recently made a visit to the UN Memorial Cemetery in Busan.  

I laid a wreath at the graves of UN soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

And I was overwhelmed with profound gratitude and respect for the 2,320 souls resting in peace at the Cemetery.

I also pay tribute to all the 40,896 UN troops that lost their lives during the War.   

The tremendous sacrifice of the Korean War Veterans was not in vain. 

Their selfless service made possible the dynamic and thriving Korea of today. 

In the seven decades since the Armistice, the Republic of Korea has gone on to build the 10th largest economy in the world and a vibrant democracy. 

The Armistice regime has held for the past seven decades.

However, the mission of the United Nations Command is not over yet. 

In fact, it has become more important. 

For as we speak, North Korea continues to escalate its missile and nuclear threats week after week, despite its failing economy and decimated human rights.   

In the face of North Korea’s incessant belligerence, the peace and democracy that veterans fought so hard to protect must continue to be upheld.

To do so, the international community must stand firm and present a unified response to North Korea’s continued provocations. 

Today, Korea is aspiring to become a Global Pivotal State to contribute more to freedom, peace and prosperity around the world.

Korea has the tenth largest economy in the world.  

It is the ninth largest contributor to the UN budget and eighth largest trading nation. 

Korea is the seventh country to send its own lunar orbiter to the moon and the sixth most influential country, according to U.S. News and World Report. 

It is the fifth largest producer of civil nuclear energy and fourth in terms of electric vehicle sales. 

Korea is third in using IT to promote public access to government information and second in R&D expenditure per capita.  

Finally, Korea is the world’s most “innovative” country, according to Bloomberg. 

In line with this enhanced national strength and stature, Korea is redefining its roles and responsibilities in the international community.

Korea is committed to help strengthening the rules-based order built on the universal values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.

This year also marks the 70th anniversary of the Korea-US Alliance. 

The architect of the Mutual Defense Treaty, Founding President Syngman Rhee, said the following prescient words :

“The Treaty will bring tremendous benefits across many generations and it will enable us to enjoy prosperity.”

Much like Korea’s growing roles and responsibilities, the ROK-US Alliance is truly becoming a “Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance.”

As such, Korea and the US are working closely together to secure peace and stability not just on the Korean Peninsula, but also in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. 

Korea’s post-war success story would not have been written without the support of all the Korean War veterans from America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, and Africa. 

Korea will never forget the noble service and sacrifice of all the veterans who came to defend freedom and peace on the Korean Peninsula. 

Without your efforts, the Republic of Korea would not be enjoying the freedom, peace and prosperity that it has today. 

The people of the Republic of Korea will always be profoundly grateful to the UN Korean War veterans and their families. 

I wish you a warm and memorable stay in Korea.

Thank you. /END/