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송민순 장관 주한 서남아 공관장 오찬사

2007-05-30 10:34:53

Luncheon Remarks


Excellencies and Distinguished guests,

I would like to start by thanking you for being here.  Sitting by you are Ambassadors from South Asian countries, representatives of major Korean investors in the region and some officials of my ministry, three central pillars upholding the Korea-South Asia relations.  I know that you are all extremely busy people and your time is precious.  So I feel obliged to make your time here well-rewarded.

Excellencies and Distinguished guests,

South Asia has long been the focus of international interest.  The region has interested me very much since I served as Second Secretary in the Korean Embassy in New Delhi for two years in early 1980s.  It stands at the crossroads of East and West.  As a cradle of civilization, with its rich cultural heritage, and religious and ethnic diversity, it has played a great part in the history of humankind.  Now home to no less than one quarter of the population of the world, it is poised to play a crucial part in shaping the future of humankind.  The region's huge growth potential and vitality is drawing the interest of the world. 

Korea is most certainly no exception to this trend.  We in Korea recognize the vital importance of ties with South Asian countries.  The great value we place on nurturing bonds with friends in the region is what prompted us to join SAARC as an Observer early April this year.  In the opening session the SAARC summit, I stressed in my speech that Korea gave priority to strengthening its relations with South Asia.

When it comes to trade and investment, the facts speak for themselves.  The trade volume has been increasing at an average rate of 22 % per year since 2000.  Two-way trade totalled US$11 billion in 2006.  Korea's direct investment in the South Asian region is rising at an average annual rate of 23 %, totalling US$1.4 billion up to the end of 2006.   

I hope that we can further build upon these solid ties.  We in Korea look forward to Korea - SAARC cooperation breathing new life into our ties.  We are eager to strengthen our relations in the ICT field.  We stand ready to share our experience of government innovation.  And we are keen to share the valuable lessons we have learned in the area of human resources development.  These are just a few examples of areas for cooperation in ample scope.

To Koreans, South Asia represents a wealth of opportunity.  It is a newly emerging market which truly opens new horizons.  And I believe that Korea promises to emerge as a true cooperation partner for South Asia - one of its most valuable partners in the process of economic and social development.    

And you all have a vital role in the future of our relations.  I would call upon you to do your part to forge a still more thriving friendship between Korea and South Asia.     I can assure you that MOFAT will be tireless in its support for the building of a kind of "triangle of cooperation" between us.  This triangle will serve as a solid basis for the nurturing of really substantial ties of cooperation between Korea and South Asia.

I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Korean corporations for all they have done in promoting activities in the South Asian region.  You have indeed shown a pioneering spirit. 

With all that South Asia has to offer, the level of familiarity with South Asian countries amongst Korean people is still not as high as we might hope.  I would call upon Ambassadors here to make the fullest possible use of the Korean media to reach out to Koreans, bringing to their attention the beauty and strengths of your countries.  The media do indeed have a key role to play in this regard.  And we are honoured to have here today representatives of the Korea Economic Daily and KBS.

I would like to conclude my remarks by expressing my wish for the development and prosperity of South Asia.  I look forward to a more prosperous future for the countries of South Asia and Korea as we foster an ever closer friendship.  Thank you.