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송민순 장관 주한외교단 여수 방문시 만찬사

2007-05-30 10:37:24



 H.E. Mr. Song Min-soon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade


a Dinner


the Diplomatic Corps in Korea






POSCO Guest House in Yeosu

                 May 17, 2007      



Mr. Oh Hyun-sup, Major of Yeosu, Mr. Kim Jong-cheul, Speaker of Provincial Assembly  

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is indeed a great pleasure for me to host this dinner for the distinguished Ambassadors in Yeosu, literally "a city of beautiful waters". I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to be here with us this evening.


I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to each one of you for what you have accomplished to build even stronger ties of friendship and cooperation between Korea and the countries that you represent.


Before I turn to the main subject of tonight, that is, the Yeosu Expo 2012, let me try to give you a brief tour of the horizon of Korean diplomacy today.

When I took my present office on December 1 last year, the Korean Peninsula was still suffering from the after effects of North Korea's nuclear test. The Six-Party Talks had not been held for more than a year and inter-Korean dialogue was in limbo. In short, the situation with regard to North Korea was not promising even by the low standards we use with our Northern neighbor.


Recently, positive momentum has been created. The Six-Party Talks were finally convened and, more importantly, the six parties now have an agreed roadmap  for the initial steps to be taken to realize the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Unforeseen difficulties of a temporary technical nature have slowed the process, but I am confident that the process will be back on track soon.


In the meantime, South and North Korea resumed the dialogue and reached agreement on a number of cooperative projects. Today trains crossed the DMZ for the first time in 56 years. The Korean government will continue to make sure that the Six-Party Talks and inter-Korean dialogue move forward together in a mutually reinforcing way.


On April 2, Korea and the United States successfully concluded the negotiations on a Free Trade Agreement. While Korea had already concluded FTA agreements with Chile, ASEAN and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the ROK-US FTA was certainly a very significant undertaking on the part of the two countries.


In addition, Korea is currently engaging in FTA negotiations or joint studies with the European Union, Canada, India, China, the Gulf Cooperation Council(GCC), among others.

In tandem with our FTA policy, my Ministry recently took the initiative of launching a three-way cooperative dialogue - among the diplomatic corps in Seoul, major Korean corporations, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This initiative is designed to promote opportunities for wider communication for the diplomatic corps and Korean companies.


There have been positive developments in other areas as well, but I think I better stop here and move on to the next subject. Having this rare opportunity of addressing the diplomatic corps, I just want to say to you that I will do everything I can to strengthen Korea's relations with the countries represented here tonight. And I will make sure that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on my watch, will be as open and as accessible to the diplomatic corps as it can be.


Distinguished Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen,


It was around this time a year ago that the Korean government officially announced its bid to host the Expo in 2012. Since then, the people of Yeosu have been working very hard to win the support of the international community.


The Korean government, and indeed the entire people of Korea, have been firmly behind their tireless efforts and, as a result, a considerable number of BIE members have already expressed their support.  


The proposed theme of the Yeosu Expo, "The Living Ocean and Coast : Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities," has gained wide support - there is widespread recognition that it holds great meaning for the future of mankind. Indeed, our future depends, to a great extent, on the health of the oceans and the coasts.


The devotion and the enthusiasm of the Korean people are invaluable assets which are sure to make the Yeosu Expo a resounding success.  


No wonder then that the international community has already recognized that Korea is well-equipped to host the EXPO. Last month, the BIE enquiry mission visited Korea. Ms. Carmen Sylvain, the head of the mission, kindly said in a press conference that "the Expo program was excellent in all regards, close to perfect."


Indeed, the Yeosu Expo has a great deal to offer the international community. By presenting the way forward to resolve various environmental problems, such as global warming and rising sea levels, the Expo will help address some of the most pressing issues of our time.


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Yeosu embodies the very essence of the proposed theme of the Expo. It is my earnest desire that today‘s event will serve to nurture in each and every one of you and your respective governments a confidence in Korea's capability to successfully host the Expo in 2012.


Before I conclude my remarks, I would like to recommend that you take full advantage of this excellent opportunity.  Please be sure to enjoy the charming beauty and authentic Korean culture the southern coast of Korea offers.


Now, may I propose a toast to your continued good health and success in all your endeavors as well as to the enduring friendship between Korea and the countries represented here tonight. Thank you very much.