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장관 주최 주한외교단 리셉션 연설

2008-05-21 17:42:00

장관 주최 주한 외교단 리셉션
2008. 5. 21, 18층 리셉션홀

Good afternoon.

Ambassador Fen, Dean of the Diplomatic Corps,
Distinguished Ambassadors,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

 It is a great pleasure to host this reception as the Foreign Minister of the newly inaugurated administration of President Lee Myung-bak.  I had hoped to meet with all of you sooner.  But unfortunately, my tight schedule has kept me on the run.

 I am glad that we could get together this afternoon.  I see many familiar faces around the room, and I already enjoyed the privilege of meeting with you on separate occasions.  I have been fortunate enough to have lunch with the distinguished ambassadors of Latin America, the Arab countries, and the European Union. 

 I also had the pleasure of participating in the diplomatic corps tennis tournament the other day.  The event gave me a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with some of the diplomatic corps members.  I hope I can take part in more arrangements of such informal nature, and also look forward to talking with you on this and many future occasions.

 Today, I would like to briefly outline the major foreign policy agenda of the new administration.  I would also like to touch upon some of the important events coming up on our diplomatic schedule.
 As you know, the new administration seeks to employ what we call "creative pragmatism" in pursuing our goal of turning Korea into an "advanced and globally prestigious country."

 As such, our foreign policy places greater emphasis on the following three areas: first, strengthening our security; second, revitalizing our economy; and third, contributing to the international community.

 First, on the security front -- with regard to the North Korean nuclear issue, our government seeks to strengthen cooperation among the participants of the Six-Party Talks.  We will spare no efforts to induce North Korea to complete the declaration of its nuclear programs, so that the Talks can resume, and the negotiations on the details of dismantlement can get underway.  I hope that the next round of the Six-Party Talks will be resumed in the middle of next month, sometime in June.

 We will also strive to enhance cooperative relations with our neighbors in the region.  In this regard, we held summit meetings with the US and Japan in April.  Our summit with China will take place next week, and another with Russia is being arranged for the near future.  That would wrap up the first round of summit diplomacy with our immediate neighbors.

 At the same time, we intend to pursue a "network diplomacy" in our relations with countries beyond the Northeast Asian region.  We will explore various creative means to forge genuine bonds of mutual cooperation with our friendly nations throughout the world, taking into account the particular circumstances pertaining to each country.

 Second, on the economic sphere -- we will strive to revitalize our economy through various diplomatic efforts to create engines for sustained growth.  These will include expanding free-trade agreements; strengthening energy and resources cooperation; and fostering a more business-friendly environment through deregulation and other relevant changes.

 In particular, we will continue to work toward the ratification of the FTA with the United States.  As you may be well aware, the ratifying process is currently experiencing a bumpy road due to the issues of beef imports from the United States.

 We also intend to exert continued efforts in our negotiations for free-trade agreements with the EU, ASEAN, India, Canada, and also with Australia.  And, we will look into the feasibility of FTAs with other economies around the world as well.  Such efforts will be pursued in conjunction with active public relations activities to gain the understanding and support of our general public.

 In the international realm, the fact that Korea is home to the United Nations Secretary-General is a source of great pride to the Korean people.  Our government is determined to build upon this, and make valuable contributions to the international community, commensurate with our capacity.  For example, we will play our due role by expanding our Official Development Aid and increasing participation in UN peace-keeping operations.

 Moreover, we will actively participate in international efforts to combat climate change, as we prepare for the Post-2012 regime and the conversion into a low-carbon economy. 

 We will also give great attention to realizing the universal values of humanity, a goal we hold very dear.  To this end, we will explore ways to eliminate threats to human security including poverty, disease, and abuse of human rights.

 In an effort to realize these three policy priorities, President Lee Myung-bak is eager to meet with our friends in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and beyond in the second half of the year on such occasions as the G-8 Outreach Summit meeting in Japan, the ASEM Summit in October, and the APEC Summit in November, among other events.

 For our efforts to succeed and for us to emerge as a truly Global Korea, the cooperation of the diplomatic corps here with us today is very important.  So I look forward to your continued support, which you have consistently rendered, for the further development of bilateral relations.

 Today we have representatives of all the functions of the Foreign Ministry gathered here in one place, including a number of newly appointed officials.  I hope that this reception will offer a good chance for us to consolidate friendship and cooperative relations between the diplomatic corps and our Foreign Ministry officials.

 One other scheduling note -- it has become something of a custom for the President to hold a garden party in honor of the diplomatic corps at the Blue House around this time of year.  However, given the heavy scheduling demands on the new administration, the garden party will be held in the latter part of this year.  We’ll keep you posted on the details. 

 In the meantime, I hope that your hard work for development of cooperation and friendship between our two countries will bear much fruit.

 Furthermore, our Ministry will gladly provide any assistance to make your stay here in Korea more enjoyable, so that you can perform your diplomatic duties without difficulties. 

 Now, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to the health and happiness to all of us gathered here today -- and to our thriving and lasting friendship.
