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장관, '한미 우호의 밤' 축사(6.30)

2008-06-30 21:00:00

The 2008 June Festival
(Hyatt Hotel, 30 June 2008)

President and Mrs. Park,
Ambassador and Mrs. Vershbow,
General and Mrs. Sharp,
Men and Women of the USFK and Their Families,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 

It is my great pleasure and honor to be invited to the 2008 June Festival and to speak before the distinguished guests here. 

Let me begin by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to President Park and the members of the Korea America Friendship Society for hosting such a meaningful gathering this evening. 

Since its launch in 1991, the Korea America Friendship Society has made invaluable contributions to fostering friendship and mutual understanding between our two peoples, -- by organizing various activities, including goodwill concerts and academic symposia. 

In particular, the society has been presenting the annual Korea America Friendship Society Awards to outstanding USFK personnel in recognition and appreciation of their dedicated service. 

In this light, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to General Bell, the former Commander of the CFC, and four other distinguished USFK personnel on receiving such honorable awards this evening. 
[ Please allow me to recognize each one by name : Lieutenant Seth D. Thornhill of the US Navy; Master Sergeant Richard L. Webber of the US Air force; Sergeant Henry Negron of the US Army; and Sergeant Leslie C. Gray of the US Marines.  ]

Congratulations once again on your most admirable achievements. 

Distinguished Guests,

The ROK-US alliance has proven to be one of the most successful and exemplary alliances in the world.  And, it has also served as the cornerstone for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula as well as in Northeast Asia. 

The commendable work of the USFK personnel has served to make the alliance rock-solid.  On behalf of the government and the people of Korea, I would like to express, once again, our sincere appreciation for your devoted efforts. 
Thanks to the alliance and our strong combined defense posture, Korea has developed into a full-fledged democracy and stands at the threshold of becoming an advanced nation.

Now, given the changing security environment and needs of the 21st century, our two nations are aiming to further develop and transform our alliance into a strategic one. 

Our alliance should go beyond bilateral dimensions to tackle global issues.  The scope of the alliance also needs to be expanded from security and military-oriented issues into various other fields including the economy, culture, and society in general. 

As such, the early ratification of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement and Korea’s participation in the US Visa Waiver Program will be a milestone for further upgrading the alliance. 

Just a couple of days ago, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and I met here in Seoul, and reaffirmed our strong commitment to further strengthen our alliance for the 21st century. 
I am confident that the bonds we have forged during the past several decades, will surely take our friendship and cooperation to new heights. 

Distinguished Guests,

I think all of you would agree that people-to-people exchanges are vital in cementing friendly relationships between countries.  In this aspect, each and every one of you can contribute to promoting cultural and personal exchanges between our two peoples. 

For instance, the Good Neighbor Program, carried out by the USFK, is an exemplary instrument for strengthening cultural ties and friendship between the USFK service members and the local communities of Korea. 

Korea is a country with rich historical and cultural heritage, and I hope that the servicemen and women of the USFK will make good use of their stay here to enjoy and experience the charms of Korea, both traditional and modern.  Down the road, I am sure that you will all do your part to deepen the mutual understanding between our two peoples. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the saying goes, “tonight is your night.”  We are gathered here to honor your achievements and efforts.  So please, do enjoy this joyous celebration. 

Thank you very much.