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제17차 한-영 미래포럼 오찬 연설

2009-06-12 17:05:00

                           제17차 한-영 미래포럼 오찬 연설

                                                    유명환 외교통상부 장관
                                                         2009.6.12(금) 12:00
                                                      (신라호텔, 영빈관 Ruby 홀)

Honorable Chairman Park(박진),
Lord (John) Kerr(커),
Distinguished Guests, and
Ladies and Gentlemen,

 It is a great honor and pleasure for me to speak before you at this special occasion, "the Korea-UK Forum for the Future".

I would like to thank the esteemed members and staff of the Forum for their hard work.

 Now, I wish to briefly offer my thoughts on the current relations between our two countries and then, I will reflect Korea's diplomatic efforts, since the inauguration of the Lee Myung-bak Administration last year.

And, I want to briefly touch upon the future direction of Korea's foreign policy and North Korea's recent provocations.

(Current Korea-UK Relations and Future Direction for Its Enhancement)

Distinguished Guests,

 Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1883, Korea and the UK have fostered a mature and comprehensive partnership.

Over the years, our relations have grown even stronger, based on the shared values of democracy and the market economy, which were defended jointly by our two nations and UN throughout Korean War 60 years ago.

We still remember the noble sacrifice of young soldiers of U.K. and feel grateful to them.

More than 270,000 Koreans visited the United Kingdom last year, while the number of British visitors to Korea exceeded 70,000.

The active mutual exchanges between our two peoples now demonstrate how close our relations are.

I am confident that such frequent exchanges will serve to further deepen the ties of friendship to broaden the scope of cooperation between our two countries. 

 And our economic cooperation has also been greatly strengthened thanks to active bilateral trade and investments.

Although the current financial crisis is taking a toll on our most recent trade figures, it's worth noting that our trade volume had hit a record high of 10 billion US dollars in 2007.

 Hence, it is my sincere hope that all of you here today will play a valuable role in further developing our economic relations.

In particular, your unwavering support for the successful conclusion of the Korea-EU FTA would be most appreciated.

In this light, I have every confidence that our economic relations will evolve into an even stronger one in the near future.

 Now, the scope of cooperation between Korea and the UK has been expanded to include major global issues, including: △the global financial crisis; △climate change; and △the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to name a few.

 In this regard, Summit Diplomacy between our two countries have been playing an important role.

As you are aware, President Lee Myung-bak visited the UK this April to attend the G-20 London Summit.

And, the bilateral Summit reaffirmed the strong will by our two leaders to work closely together in resolving issues of global concern as well.

It is my hope that our cooperation will be further strengthened through the visit of Prime Minister Gordon Brown to Korea in the near future.

   The latter half of this year is particularly important as the 3rd G-20 Summit, and the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will both take place.

We look forward to the continued close cooperation between Korea and the UK at these occasions, so that a brighter future for all of us can be realized.

(Korea-EU Relations)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

 Before I move on to my next topic, let me briefly mention a few words about the importance of Korea-EU relations.

 I highly value the fact that at the 4th Korea-EU Summit, held in the form of a mutual visit in Seoul on 23 May this year, -- Korea and the EU reaffirmed that they share the fundamental values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, -- and agreed to actively respond to global challenges, and to further strengthen mutual cooperation.

The two sides also agreed to elevate the Korea-EU relationship to a strategic partnership through the early conclusion of the Korea-EU FTA and the revision of the Korea-EU Framework Agreement.

It is my sincere hope that, based on these agreements, Korea and the EU will further strengthen the political as well as economic cooperation.

(Evaluation of Korean Foreign Policy since 2008)

Distinguished Guests,

 Since the launch of the Lee Myung-bak Administration last year, the Korean government has been actively pursuing a 'creative and pragmatic' approach in our diplomacy, -- so as to develop our country into a truly "Global Korea."

First, Korea has successfully forged a network of strategic relations with our neighboring countries, such as the U.S., Japan, China and Russia.

Korea has also been playing an active part in global governance efforts to deal with global challenges by participating in various significant multilateral Summits.

Also, the Korean government plans to pursue what we call the "New Asia Initiative," -- which is designed to further strengthen the cooperative relations between Korea and the other Asian countries.

(Countering the Global Financial Crisis and Revitalizing the Economy)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

   The international community is currently faced with the worst financial and economic crisis since the second World War.

The financial instability caused by insolvent assets and the slowdown of the real economy as a result are causes for grave concern.

   At the G-20 London Summit held last April, the Leaders successfully reached an agreement on a number of important points, including: △coordination on macroeconomic policies; △ prevention of protectionism; and △expansion of liquidity supply to developing countries through the increase in financial resources of international financial institutions.

I believe that the strong leadership of Prime Minister Gordon Brown greatly contributed to the success of the London Summit.

Now, the Korean government hopes to contribute to the successful holding of the third G-20 Summit to be held in Pittsburgh in September.

And, we hope to continue to work closely with the UK to this end.

(North Korean Nuclear Issue)

Distinguished Guests,

   Let me now turn to the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea has been ratcheting up tensions lately by firing a long range rocket on April 5th, and carrying out a nuclear test on May 25th, -- in defiance of the repeated warnings from the international community.

North Korea's recent nuclear test constitutes an unquestionable violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1718, and is a direct and reckless challenge to the international community.

 The Five Parties of the Six-Party Talks -- namely the ROK, the U.S., Japan, China and Russia -- have focused their intial efforts on coming up with a resolute response at the UN Security Council.

They share the understanding that there should be consequences for Pyongyang's wrongdoings.

Thus, we anticipate an appropriate UN Security Council Resolution on this matter to be adopted shortly.

 At the same time, however, we intend to keep the doors for dialogue open, and continue to make diplomatic efforts to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiating table.

We urge North Korea to: △abandon its nuclear weapons and related programs; △immediately return to the NPT regime; and △faithfully comply with international norms, -- as a responsible member of the international community.

To this end, the Korean government will maintain close cooperation with the other participants of the Six-Party Talks and the international community, as we strive to realize the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue once and for all.

 With regard to inter-Korean relations, we call upon North Korea to halt further provocative actions, and refrain from the useless harsh rhetoric directed at the South Korean government.

Moreover, the North should immediately release a South Korean worker who has been held in Gaesung Industrial Complex for over 70 days now without just cause.

 Yesterday, inter-Korean contact was made at the Gaesong Industrial Complex to discuss this and other issues of concern.

Hence, we hope that the two Koreas will be able to work together to alleviate the current tensions and resume the dialogue process.

(Contribution to Global Issues)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

 The Korean government has been striving to make contributions to the international community, commensurate with our economic capacity and stature in the world.

In this context, Korea is carrying out the task of increasing the level of our official development assistance in the years ahead, as well as enhancing the effectiveness of our aid.

 Korea is also making efforts to join the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) next year, and to hold the 4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) in 2011.

 Also, Korea is actively participating in the international efforts to promote human rights as a universal value, and is sparing no efforts to improve the human rights conditions of North Koreans through the UN.

As a member of the Human Rights Council, Korea has closely cooperated with the UK on major human rights issues, and will continue to strengthen such cooperation in the future.

(Climate Change and Low Carbon, Green Growth)

Distinguished Guests,

 Climate change is regarded as the greatest challenge facing humanity in the 21st century.

It is a major global issue, requiring the united efforts of all nations.

 Against this backdrop, I would like to underline that Korea is implementing key policies in our response to climate change.

In August of last year, President Lee Myung-bak publicly proclaimed 'Low Carbon, Green Growth' as Korea's new national vision for growth.

Since then, my government has been carrying out various policies such as the 'Green New Deal' stimulus package, -- which was announced this January to strategically and systematically realize this vision. 

 Another example of our efforts in this important area is the hosting of the 'East Asia Climate Forum' in Seoul two weeks ago.

This inter-governmental policy dialogue was held to develop 'Low Carbon Green Growth' policies, -- and adopted the 'Seoul Initiative for Low Carbon Green Growth in East Asia.'

 I hope that Korea will have in-depth discussions on this issue with the UK, -- which has been an exemplary country in addressing climate change, -- so that we may find more tangible ways to combat the effects of climate change.

(Concluding Remarks)

 In bringing my remarks to a close, I truly hope that all of you will have very fruitful discussions at this meaningful forum.

With our common values of democracy and the market economy as a firm basis,  -- I have every confidence that Korea and the UK will continue to work closely together as genuine partners in enhancing the peace and prosperity of our respective regions and indeed the entire world.

Thank you.     / END /