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유엔총회 계기, 보호책임(R2P) 고위급회의 연설문

2009-09-25 17:00:00

Ministerial-level Roundtable Discussion on Responsibility to Protect
September 25, 2009
New York

Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is a pleasure to be with you here today. 

    I wish to thank the governments of Australia, Rwanda, and Timor-Leste, as well as the Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), for hosting this meaningful meeting. 

I also wish to thank Dr. Edward Luck, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, for his efforts to promote R2P.

    This is indeed a timely gathering, especially in light of the recent progress over R2P. 

Following the report of the UN Secretary-General on Implementing the Responsibility to Protect, the UN General Assembly held a session to discuss R2P last July, for the first time in the four years since the 2005 World Summit.  

This was significant in itself, but we were further encouraged to see a majority of Member States support the Secretary-General's report and express their commitment to preventing and halting genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crime against humanity. 

In fact, even those who had concerns about R2P displayed more flexibility.

    Then just before the close of the 63rd Session, the General Assembly took an important step by adopting by consensus, a resolution recommending the continuing consideration of the R2P in the forthcoming session. 

The Republic of Korea, as a co-sponsor of this resolution, is convinced that through these discussions we will be able to build common ground on R2P and facilitate the implementation of R2P. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Now is the time to implement the principle of R2P.  But this cannot be done overnight. 

During the General Assembly debate, we saw signs of convergence of views and positions on R2P. 

At the same time, however, concerns were raised by some countries regarding ways to implement R2P. 

    To overcome the misperception and distrust of some countries, we should make it clear that R2P is different from humanitarian intervention.

We also need to emphasize that R2P is an ally of sovereignty, not an adversary, as pointed out in the Secretary-General’s report. 

The primary responsibility lies in the individual government while the international community bears secondary responsibility. 

    Some countries are also concerned that R2P may be interpreted as unilateral military intervention. 

As we know, however, any actions resulting from R2P is in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the UN Charter and resolutions. 

In reality, many of the actions suggested in the Secretary-General’s report are neither coercive nor military.  

    What is important is that the Security Council makes a timely and decisive action. 

To this end, it is important that the five permanent members of the Security Council refrain from using the veto, as recommended in the Secretary-General's report. 

The Security Council has a mandate to maintain international peace and security. 

It is important to bear in mind that privilege comes with special responsibility. 

At the same time, we know from experience that preventive actions such as international mediation are among the most effective ways to halt violence. 

We should therefore invest more resources, time, and attention in conducting preventive diplomacy.

    In this respect, we should enhance our capacity to prevent rather than to simply respond to dire situations.  

The Republic of Korea attaches great importance to Pillar Two in the Secretary-General’s report, which mentions the commitment of the international community to assist countries in need in capacity-building. 
In this regard, we welcome the initiatives to establish early warning mechanisms and stand-by abilities. 

    In particular, given that most R2P cases apply to Africa, we may consider further measures to provide support for capacity-building of African countries and the African Union.  

We should also consider expanding our assistance to other regions as well. 

    Our efforts to put R2P norm into operation may take time. 

Rather than focusing on quick solutions, it is important for us to gradually build consensus by starting from the areas we can agree on. 

I hope this meeting will be an opportunity for us to take a step further towards our shared goals. 

Thank you.