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유엔총회 계기, 민주주의 공동체(CD) 외교장관회의 연설문

2009-09-24 22:00:00

Annual Ministerial Meeting of the Community of Democracies
September 24, 2009
New York

Mr. Chairman,

Allow me to begin by congratulating you on assuming the chairmanship of the Community of Democracies (CD). On behalf of the Republic of Korea, I would like to extend our firm support to Lithuania’s presidency, under which the CD will surely make great progress.

This annual Ministerial Meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly holds great significance. It provides us with a timely opportunity to follow up on the last Ministerial Conference of the CD and discuss the upcoming Ministerial Conference in 2011.

More importantly, the Meeting contributes to improving the visibility of the UN Democracy Caucus and to supporting works of the UN in advancing democracy. This is also an opportunity for us to coordinate democracy-related activities carried out on the platforms of the CD, the UN, and relevant regional organizations.

Mr. Chairman,

We achieved meaningful results at the fifth Ministerial Conference in Lisbon, including the revision of decision-making procedures for the Convening Group and the introduction of a rotation system for the composition of the Group.

These achievements demonstrate our determined will to further improve the CD as an efficient and inclusive mechanism to strengthen democratic values and institutions. However, as pointed out at the thematic roundtables of the Lisbon Ministerial, the CD should become more proactive in its task of democratization, and raise its profile and visibility in the international arena.

We also need to strengthen ties between governments and civil society organizations, and reinforce regional partnerships for the promotion of democracy in a more coordinated and coherent manner.

In this regard, the 2010 high level meeting to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the CD should include constructive discussions on how to address such challenges.

Mr. Chairman,

To realize the CD’s vision to spread democracy across the world, it is crucial that we consolidate democracy at the regional level. The CD’s commitment to support and promote regional democracy was demonstrated in the Seoul Plan of Action, adopted by the second Ministerial Conference. In it, we declared our intention to promote the regional democratic progress individually and through regional institutions.

History tells us that the growth of democracy contributes to regional stability and prosperity. Over the past two decades, across Asia and the Pacific, many countries have embarked on the road to democracy. The roads they have chosen and the level of democratization they have achieved so far vary, reflecting their own political, social, and cultural parameters. However, what they have in common is that, the fundamental elements of democracy are taking root in each of those countries.

Despite such progress, the Asia-Pacific countries are facing a number of challenges and risks on their path toward democracy. And the region has yet to see development of a multilateral cooperation mechanism devoted to the promotion of democracy.

It was against this backdrop that the Asia-Pacific Democracy Partnership (APDP) was established in 2008, with the participation of 12 countries. The APDP seeks to carry out practical and concrete activities, such as election observation and election-related capacity building activities. Currently, the Republic of Korea is serving as the chair of the APDP.

In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like to reaffirm the Republic of Korea’s active support for the UN, the Community of Democracies, and other bodies in advancing democratic principles and values. I believe we need to our gather wisdom and efforts, to make the Democracy Caucus a more effective platform for implementing the commitments. Bearing this in mind, let us be united to protect and promote democracy as a universal value.
