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제2차 한-카리브 포럼 장관님 개회사(7.31, 롯데호텔)

2012-07-31 00:00:00

His Excellency Mr. Sam Condor, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis,

Honorable Ministers of the Caribbean Community member countries,
His Excellency Mr. Irwin LaRoque, Secretary-General of CARICOM,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to extend a sincere welcome to all the distinguished participants here. We deeply appreciate you travelling such a distance to participate in the 'Second High-Level Forum on Korea-Caribbean Partnership.' I have every confidence that with the benefit of your great insights and experience, this forum shall indeed prove a resounding success.

The relations between Korea and the Caribbean countries date back more than six decades, when Haiti and Suriname came to the assistance of Korea in defence of freedom and democracy during the Korean War. Since Korea established diplomatic ties with the Caribbean countries in the second half of the twentieth century, Korea and the Caribbean countries have continued to deepen their ties of friendship and cooperation, based upon the shared values of human rights, freedom and democracy.
Korea has been contributing to the socio-economic development of the Caribbean countries through Inter-American Development Bank trust funds and human resources development projects. We have participated in the international relief efforts when Haiti, Saint Lucia and the Commonwealth of Dominica were recently affected by natural disasters. Korea attaches great importance to deepening the mutual understanding between the young generations as it is they who will shape our future relations, and we are to launch the ‘Korea-Caribbean Youth Exchange Forum' next year.

In this regard, I believe that the High-Level Forum, which was held for the first time last October, is indeed highly useful in exchanging views on ways to further enhance cooperation between Korea and the Caribbean states. At the First Forum, we focused on ‘Development Strategy and International Cooperation,’ and ‘Green Growth Cooperation.’ Building upon the achievements of the First Forum, the Second Forum today will focus on the ‘Cooperation in E-Government, Marine Environment Management, and New and Renewable Energy.’ There is great potential for cooperation between the two sides in these areas and I very much look forward to hearing your insights.

To briefly touch upon today's themes, Korea, as a leading IT country, is eager to share with the Caribbean states our extensive experience in establishing E-Government systems in such sectors as public procurement, digital accounting and online petitions. Korea has been providing support for the building of the CARICOM Secretariat E-Government system since 2008. As a concrete measure to redouble our efforts, Korea, together with the OAS, plans to contribute to the implementation of the Caribbean Civil Registry Information System from 2012 to 2013.

As for marine environment management, Korea, as a country surrounded by seas on three sides, is well aware of the serious challenges the island states face from climate change. Korea stands ready and willing to work together with the Caribbean states in marine environment management capacity building for sustainable development. Indeed, Korea is already conducting a research project in Grenada’s coastal area. Furthermore, it is also planning to operate a training program for the Caribbean officials in the relevant fields.

I also see great potential for cooperation in the field of new and renewable energy. Korea is playing a leading role in green growth and the Caribbean countries are well placed to make excellent use of their abundant natural resources. I believe that our cooperation in this field shall therefore create a synergy effect and be highly mutually beneficial.

It is my sincere hope that today’s Forum will indeed serve as a platform for the two sides to identify areas of common interest, and to forge still deeper bonds of cooperation in the years ahead. To this end, the Korean Government looks forward to holding the Forum on a regular basis. As we pool our wisdom to discover new areas of cooperation and further expand the scope of cooperation, we shall be building a brighter future. In this context, we would deeply appreciate the active participation of all of you in this effort.

I would like to bring my remarks to a close by expressing my sincere gratitude once again to the representatives from the Caribbean states for being here at the 2nd High-Level Forum on Korea-Caribbean Partnership. I look forward to the fruitful discussions today contributing to even stronger bonds of cooperation and friendship between us as we move forward together to an ever brighter future. Thank you.

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 제2차 한-카리브 포럼 장관님 개회사 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.