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제2차 한-카리브 고위급 포럼 장관님 만찬사(7.31, 롯데호텔)

2012-07-31 14:31:00

His Excellency Mr. Sam Condor, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis,

Honorable Ministers of the Caribbean Community member countries,
His Excellency Irwin LaRoque, Secretary-General of CARICOM,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to once again extend a warm welcome to all of you. We deeply appreciate you travelling such a distance to attend this Forum. I am honored to host this dinner tonight and am delighted that today's Forum has proved so fruitful.

I understand that you visited the Yeosu EXPO yesterday and I have been told that the 'CARICOM Regional Day' event was a great success. I believe that it is highly fitting that many Caribbean countries are participating in the Yeosu EXPO held under the theme of the "Living Ocean and Coast." The EXPO indeed represents a wonderful opportunity for the Korean public to get to know the beautiful Caribbean.

Although there is a great geographical distance between us, many Koreans have come to feel closer to the Caribbean thanks to such figures as Usain Bolt and Bob Marley. And the Caribbean is emerging as an increasingly popular tourist destination for Korean tourists.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Korea attaches great importance to enhancing the bilateral relations with Caribbean countries. This is clearly reflected in the fact that we are planning to pursue more programs for cooperation with you in a wide range of areas. We are deeply grateful for the strong support that you have continued to render to us, such as in our bids for the Yeosu EXPO and the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, and on issues related to the Korean Peninsula

It is against this backdrop that Korea proposed the holding of the High-level Forum last year with the aim of further enhancing our relations. And I am delighted that today's Second Forum has also proved a resounding success. The Forum provides us with an excellent opportunity to build further upon our long-standing friendship and expand cooperation to our mutual benefit. And I would like to request that you keep the sense of momentum generated by this visit to Korea and continue to take an interest in the deepening of our friendship.

I have heard that this is the first visit to Korea for most of you. I hope that you enjoy your remaining time in Korea and take back home lovely memories from this visit.

Now, I would like to propose a toast to an everlasting friendship between our countries and our peoples.


외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 제2차 한-카리브 고위급 포럼 장관님 만찬사 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.