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글로벌녹색성장연구소(GGGI) 국제기구화 심포지엄 개회사(9.21)

2012-09-24 18:18:00

Your Excellency, Ms. Ida Auken(아우켄), Minister for the Environment of Denmark,
The Honorable 김성곤 and 길정우, Members of the National Assembly
Professor 윤영관,
Distinguished Participants,

I am delighted to welcome you to the "International Symposium on Achieving New Framework for Cooperation on Green Growth through the Global Green Growth Institute." Founded with the aim of promoting green growth as a global agenda and disseminating green growth in developing countries, the GGGI will take a meaningful step forward as a full-fledged international organization next month. As the international organization dedicated solely to green growth, it is my hope that the GGGI will become a valuable global asset that can make meaningful contributions towards addressing climate change and supporting developing countries in their ambitions to achieve sustainable growth.

During the past several years, Korea has strived to expand the paradigm of green growth which aims to achieve economic growth and environmental protection at the same time. I am pleased to note that the fruits of such efforts are now being realized with the conversion of the GGGI into an international organization and the promotion of green growth as a global agenda.

Distinguished Participants,

During the G20 Summit Meeting held in Mexico this June, sustainable development and green growth were among the major agenda items. The outcome report of the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development identified green economy as a central element in achieving sustainable development. Moreover, the historic signing of the GGGI Establishment Agreement took place at this same Conference.

On our part, Korea have declared green growth as one of our national strategies in 2008, and since then we have been implementing various measures. We have enacted the Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth and the Emissions Trading Scheme to provide the legal and regulatory basis. Meanwhile, on the international stage, Korea played a leading role in establishment of the GGGI and its conversion into an international organization. Also Korea, together with like-minded countries, exerted efforts to promote green growth as a global agenda.

For green growth to truly take root as a global development paradigm and for there to be real changes on the ground, we must establish a clear strategy for green growth, and that needs to be supported by the requisite technology and funding. In this regard, Korea is striving to host the Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund(GCF). If Korea is successful in this endeavor, Korea will get to host the GGGI, Green Technology Center and GCF. This will yield a so-called “Green Triangle,” and we will be able to effectively coordinate policy, technology and funding in green growth, thereby creating positive synergy effects.

Distinguished Participants,

Two weeks ago I accompanied President Lee Myung-bak on his visit to Greenland. In a land which was previously covered in thick glacial layers, the adverse affects of climate change were clear to see with much of the glacier having melted away. The international community must come together to address this grave challenge to the humankind. I believe the GGGI will have a key role to play in facilitating such global cooperation.

For the GGGI to successfully carry out its duties, the continued interest and support of the international community is imperative. As the saying goes, “it takes a whole village to raise a child.” Therefore I would like to conclude by calling upon all of you present here today to offer your full support and commitment to the GGGI. I aspire the future GGGI to be a driving force in promoting cooperation between developed and developing countries, and in realizing the idea of green growth in every corner of the globe.

Thank you.

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 글로벌녹색성장연구소(GGGI) 국제기구화 심포지엄 개회사 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.