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기후변화 각료급 준비회의 만찬사(10.22, 신라호텔)

2012-10-22 00:00:00

His Excellency Abdulah Bin Hammad Al-Attiyah, President of the COP 18,

Her Excellency Dr. Yoo Young-sook(유영숙), Minister of Environment,
Ms. Christiana Figueres(피게레즈), Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC,
Distinguished Participants,

I would like to warmly welcome all of you to Korea and to the pre-COP. I can see that some of you are still recovering from jet lag. On top of that, after the long meetings, I can fully understand how tired you must be. So I shall try to keep my remarks as brief as possible.

It is indeed an honour and a privilege to host this dinner, and my special thanks go to H.E. Al-Attiyah and Executive Secretary Figueres for their contributions and dedication. My experience tells me that the climate change negotiations are amongst the most complicated talks.

This year holds particular significance in our efforts to address climate change. It marks the 20th anniversary of the UNFCCC and the 15th of the Kyoto Protocol. The Doha Conference will be extremely important as we face the task of implementing the Durban package. As you know, last year in Durban, we agreed to extend the Kyoto Protocol with a second commitment period, and mandated a new process of negotiations for the post-Kyoto regime. The upcoming Doha Conference also needs to provide a signal that the UNFCCC process is on the right track to enhance the common action for the future.

Distinguished Participants,

Climate change poses a grave threat to the mankind. When I visited Greenland last month, where much of the glacier has melted away, I witnessed for myself so vividly the adverse effects of climate change. We must realize that time is not on our side. To cope with climate change, the international community needs creative ideas and concerted political will.

Ever since Korea introduced Low Carbon Green Growth as a new development paradigm in 2008, we have contributed to promoting the strategy, technology and financing mechanism for green growth. In March, the Green Technology Center(GTC) was established in Korea. The GGGI, the first international organization aimed at developing and spreading the Green Growth strategy, will be officially launched tomorrow. And last week, Korea was elected to host the Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund. Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the support. Korea will continue to exert determined efforts to contribute to the international efforts for the spread of green growth.

Distinguished Delegates,

Pablo Picasso once said that "Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act." We now stand at a juncture - either further cooperation or distrust among countries. It is crucial that we work to restore and strengthen confidence among the participating countries. It is my sincere wish that this pre-COP shall provide political guidance for a grand plan to tackle climate change that every country fervently believes in and that every country will vigorously act upon.

We are in the same boat in addressing climate change and we should work to set a visionary legacy for future generations. I would like to propose a toast for our relentless efforts in these endeavor to secure our own future and that of the generations to come. Cheers! 

외교통상부 이(가) 창작한 기후변화 각료급 준비회의 만찬사 저작물은 "공공누리" 출처표시-상업적이용금지-변경금지 조건에 따라 이용 할 수 있습니다.