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아시아재단 우호협회 연례 총회 환영사(2013.4.8, 프라자호텔)

2013-04-09 14:07:00

              Annual Reception of the Friends of the Asia Foundation Korea 
                                                     April 8, 2013 

                                “Partners in Building a Happier Global Village”

이홍구 총리님, 황우여 대표님, 한승주 장관님,
이자스민 의원님, 홍석현 회장님,

President Arnold,
Ambassadors, distinguished guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me welcome all of you this evening for the 2013 Annual Reception of “the Friends of the Asia Foundation Korea.”

The 59 year history of the Asia Foundation almost coincides with my own personal life, as I am reaching the 60 year mark this year.

In Korea, people say that the 60th anniversary represents maturity and wisdom. I certainly hope that is the case with me. I know for certain that is the case with the Asia Foundation, given the breadth and the depth of its activities across Asia.

I commend the excellent work of the Asia Foundation, which has made a real difference in the lives of tens of millions of people in Asia and beyond.

In particular, the Asia Foundation has had a remarkable impact in Korea, as, over the last 60 years, Korea has undergone an unimaginable transformation from a shattered, war-torn country to one of the most dynamic and vibrant economies in the world.

The Asia Foundation has been there all along the way, standing alongside the people of Korea.

The Foundation helped to design the agricultural development program that eventually pulled Korea out from what seemed to be an endless cycle of poor harvest and starvation.

It contributed the newsprint that was used to print textbooks for school children in the midst of the Korean War.

As for the Foreign Ministry, the Foundation helped to support the establishment of the Foreign Service Institute, which educated and trained professional diplomats since 1963, including many future foreign ministers and ambassadors.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The activities of the Foundation have much in common with the vision and the policy of the new Korean government.

Just as the Asia Foundation envisions to realize “a peaceful, just, and thriving Asia,” the Park Geun-hye Government also seeks to raise the quality of life and welfare of the people in not only Korea, but the entire Korean Peninsula, and the global village.

In this regard, the Asia Foundation’s activities in governance and law, economic development, women’s empowerment, environment, and regional cooperation are all areas where the Park Geun-hye Government places great importance in its own overseas development agenda.

We will work closely with the Asia Foundation to find areas in which we can work together to achieve a common goal.

In so doing, I would like to emphasize the particular importance Korea attaches to cultivating the ‘can-do spirit’ and ‘tailored’ approach to development, which are the characteristics of Korea’s overseas development activities.

From our own experience, we have learned how important it is to have a strong internal motivation and take into consideration the needs of the recipient society.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

While the governments around the world are placing the well-being of its people at the top of their policy agenda, North Korea unfortunately continues to engage in provocations and raising tension in the region.

North Korea must understand that there is nothing – absolutely nothing – to be gained by threats and provocations.

According to the latest UN report, more than a fourth of all North Korean children are suffering from chronic malnutrition. 2.8 million North Koreans are exposed to serious level of food insecurity – meaning that they do not know whether there will be a next meal.

North Korea, instead of developing missiles and weapons of mass destruction, must take care of its people first, who are suffering from the hardships of want, poverty, and destitute.

The international community, including Korea, stands ready to help, should North Korea make the right choice.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This evening, we are gathered here to celebrate the achievements of the Asia Foundation and to seek ways to help the Foundation to continue its good work.

The 59-year old partnership between Korea and the Asia Foundation helped to realize one of the most celebrated economic and social development saga, often referred to as the “Miracle on the Han river.”

For the next 60 years and more, let me assure you that Korea will continue to work with the Asia Foundation to build a peaceful, just and thriving Asia, seeking to create many more miracles not only on the Han river, but throughout the entire Asia.

Thank you very much.