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주한 미국상공회의소(암참) 60주년 환갑 리셉션 장관님 축사(영문)

2013-05-15 10:03:00


주한 미국상공회의소(암참) 60주년 환갑 리셉션 장관님 축사

Chairman Pat Gaines, Ambassador Sung Kim,
황우여 대표님, 박병석 부의장님,
황진하 의원님, 심윤조 의원님,
한덕수 회장님, 이희범 회장님, 현재현 회장님, 손경식 회장님,
Distinguished Guests,

Thank you for inviting me to this wonderful evening of celebration. Let me express my sincere congratulations to AMCHAM on its 60th anniversary.

This year also marks the 60th anniversary of the Korea-US Alliance. We are celebrating this landmark anniversary under the theme of “60 years of partnership and shared prosperity.”

Ever since the birth of the Korea-US Alliance, AMCHAM has played an important role in deepening Korea’s economic ties with the US. Indeed, AMCHAM is truly the 60 years of partner for Korea with whom we have enjoyed a shared prosperity.

AMCHAM’s contribution reached far beyond the economic area, as it also played an invaluable role in enhancing Korea’s foreign relations as well. The very fact that we are gathered here this evening to celebrate the 60th anniversary of AMCHAM is sending a strong message that, despite North Korea’s provocations, Korea is a safe and attractive place to do business.

Furthermore, I know very well the tremendous efforts made by members of AMCHAM to garner Congressional support for the passage of the KORUS FTA. The famous “door-knock campaign” pressed upon the benefits of KORUS FTA to almost all members of the US Congress.

Let me take this opportunity to express my appreciation for AMCHAM’s remarkable role and contribution over the past 60 years.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you are probably aware I was in the US last week, accompanying President Park Geun-hye for her first overseas trip. As I was preparing for the Presidential visit, I set up three goals to measure success, what I call “3 keys of double ‘S’s:
- Successful Summit,
- Successful Speech before the joint session of the Congress, and
- Successful Statement.
I am pleased to share with you tonight that we accomplished all three goals, beyond our own expectations.

The photograph of the summit printed in the New York Times the day after captured the tone and the spirit of the first meeting of the two Presidents. The Economist magazine ran a piece on May 10th with the title, “A first meeting with the American President sparkles,” describing the meeting as, “all smiles and warm glances.”

Even though this visit was not a state visit, the US Congress invited President Park to address its Joint Session. Given the fact that it was the first time since 1945 that the foreign leaders from the same country were invited to address the US Congress twice in a row, one could appreciate the welcoming atmosphere in Washington toward Korea’s new president. In the aftermath of the visit, one senior US official told me that the Washington was “happy” for President Park’s visit, “happier” for the successful summit, and “much happier” for the spectacular speech before the Congress.

Most of all, this visit was particularly meaningful as the two countries adopted the Joint Declaration in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Korea-US Alliance.

Through this Declaration, we sent a strong message to North Korea that Korea and the US, as a united front, will firmly respond to the North Korean provocations. We affirmed the growing role and the importance of the Alliance as “the linchpin” of peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region, and as “the global partnership” that jointly responds to global challenges of humanity, such as climate change, energy security, development cooperation, anti-terrorism and non-proliferation. In this regard, we adopted the two separate joint statements on Climate Change and Energy Cooperation.

Furthermore, we placed great value on the KORUS FTA as it reached the one year anniversary. Through the Joint Declaration, we pledged to fully implement the KORUS FTA to ensure that the agreement serves as an economic growth engine for both our countries. We also agreed to further deepen the Alliance that is evolving into a comprehensive strategic alliance, encompassing political, economic and cultural fields as well as people to people exchanges.

During her address to the US Chamber of Commerce, President Park expressed her strong belief in free trade and open economy. President Park was accompanied by an unusually large economic delegation comprised of the heads of top Korean enterprises, medium and small sized companies as well as the head of Federation of Korean Trade Unions, assuring American business leaders that Korea is a very attractive place for them to do business.

I am sure that you, the members of AMCHAM, know better than anyone that the Korean economy is not swayed by North Korean threats and provocations. Market knows the resilience of the Korean economy. I believe that the economic cooperation and exchange will become even more vigorous in the wake of President Park’s successful visit to the US.

In this vein, one of the most important ways to expand economic cooperation is by exchanges of professional workers. Not only would these professionals enhance the competitiveness and create employment, but they also have the potential to bring truly remarkable advances in the relations between our two countries with their expertise, specialized skills and dedication to their work.

Right now two bills that will provide for a separate visa quota for professional workers from Korea are pending in the US congress. I believe that you are best suited to explain the need for the exchange of professionals to the Congress as the members of AMCHAM are the living proof of how much the exchange of elite workers can contribute to the development of relations between the two countries.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In preparing for this evening’s remarks, I thought of the founders of AMCHAM 60 years ago, who must have attended a similar yet probably humble reception celebrating the launch of American Chamber in Korea.

Imagine the audacity that bonded them together: Deciding to invest and to do business in a place devastated by the war!

Imagine the foresight that brought them together: Despite the difficulties and the challenges, seeing the opportunities for success!

It was this audacity and foresight that made AMCHAM what it is today. It is this audacity and foresight that we now should pass on to the next generation of entrepreneurs.

I trust that you will work together with the Korean business community with this kind of Can-do spirit and discover another successful 60 years into the future.

As you say here, ‘환갑’ is the point where one has completed one cycle of life and is about to begin a new journey. In the next 60 years, AMCHAM will be ‘present at creation’ – creation of a new history unfolding on the Korean Peninsula, in which AMCHAM will continue to be a reliable partner to share prosperity of the united Korea, free and democratic.

Congratulations once again, as you have every right to be proud of your achievements and contributions in Korea’s historic transformation.

Thank you.