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글로벌녹색성장연구소(GGGI) 제6차 이사회 발언문(11.18)

2014-11-18 13:49:00

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Sixth Session of the Council
November 18, 2014

1. Introduction
Good morning. The meeting is called to order. I would like to extend my sincere welcome to all members and observers here at the Sixth Session of the Council. I particularly welcome H.E. Susilo Bamgbang Yudhoyono, the former president of the Republic of Indonesia, who has come a long way to attend this meeting.

Today's meeting is expected to mark a watershed in the development of the GGGI which was launched as an international organization in 2012. We are going to deal with many critical issues such as the organization’s mid-term strategy and governance structure. Once we reach consensus and make decisions on these issues, they will indeed lead to significant changes in the GGGI’s strategic priorities, core activities, business model, and organizational structure in the years ahead.

Taking this opportunity, I with to say that Korean Government attaches particular importance to today’s Council. As President Park emphasized at the UN Climate Summit this September, Korea views climate action not as a burden but as an opportunity. The establishment of the GGGI was, I believe, precisely aimed to seize this opportunity and make it a reality.

Korea would like to see the GGGI make success stories in terms of knowledge sharing on low carbon climate resilient development pathways and creation of new jobs and industries in developing countries. Considering the pivotal role of the private sector in greening the economy, we also want to see the GGGI enhance its interface with the private sector. It is hoped that the GGGI will become more transparent and effective in delivering its new strategy.

Against this backdrop, it is indeed an honour for me to serve as the acting Chair of this meaningful Sixth Council Meeting.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Let us now turn to the draft agenda for the meeting. Members have before them the draft agenda for the Sixth Session of the Council, as set out in document C/6/AG/1.

I would like to invite participants to offer any comments they may have on the draft agenda.

Since there are no comments, the draft agenda is so adopted.

3.Appointment of expert and non-state-actor members of the Council and election of the Council Bureau

The Council will now proceed to the second item on the agenda, ‘appointment of the expert and non-state-actor members of the Council and election of the Council Bureau’.

Before we appoint new expert and non-state-actor members of the Council, I would like to express once again my sincere gratitude to H.E. Lars Rasmussen, former chair of the Council.

His contribution and devotion to the GGGI have been tremendous since its inception. He has not only provided invaluable strategic advice to the newly established GGGI, but also raised the GGGI's visibility at a global level. With his tireless efforts, the GGGI has become a trusted partner of many countries around the world in a short period of time.

I would also like to thank Professor Suh-yong Chung for his valuable contribution to the GGGI. While his term as a non-state-actor member of the Council comes to an end this year, I hope that we will continue to benefit from his expertise for the future activities of the GGGI.

As I understand it, in order to fill the vacancies in the Council membership, the Director-General has already communicated with all Council members in writing on a list of four candidates, who, I understand, received broad support from the members.

They are :
1. H.E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Former President of the Republic of Indonesia,

2. Dr. Hoesung Lee, Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),

3. Mr. Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD),

4. Mr. Mark Watts, Executive Director of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40).

May I take it that the Council members agree to appoint the four expert and non-state-actor members to the Council for the 2015-2016 term?

Since no objection has been raised, it is so decided.

I wish to extend my congratulations to H.E. Yudhoyono, Dr. Lee, Mr. Bakker, and Mr. Watts on their appointments as new Council members.

I believe that the newly appointed Council members will greatly contribute to the development of the GGGI. Along with all other members of the Council, I look forward to working closely with all of the new members for the next two years.

4. Election of the Council Bureau

The Council will now proceed to the election of the Council Bureau.

I understand that the Director-General communicated with all members in writing on the next Chair of the Council and the members expressed broad support for electing H.E. Susilo Bamgbang Yudhoyono, former President of the Republic of Indonesia, as the next Chair of the Council.

Moreover, at ‘the GGGI Leaders’ Gathering’ in New York last September, the members agreed to elect H.E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the next Chair of the Council. I am therefore pleased and honored to announce that H.E. President Yudhoyono is officially elected as the Chair of the Council.

5. End of the Acting Chair's Session

Now is the time for me to conclude my task as the Acting Chair.

Before I hand over the gavel, I would like to extend my personal thanks and greetings to the newly elected Chair, H.E. Susilo Bamgbang Yudhoyono.

During his successful terms as President, Indonesia further transformed itself into a politically democratic, economically vibrant and socially stable country. Under his leadership, Indonesia has also responded wisely to many challenges and risks posed by climate change.

With all these remarkable achievements, he is now at the helm of the GGGI. I have every confidence that, under his able leadership, the GGGI will make great progress in further securing its global standing and making development impacts on the ground.

Let me express once again my sincere congratulations to him, and I would like to invite H.E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to preside over the remainder of the session.

Thank you.
