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제18차 한-ASEAN 외교장관회의(8.5) 모두발언

2015-08-05 00:00:00

ASEAN-ROK Ministers’ Meeting

Remarks by H.E. Yun Byung-se,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, ROK

Madame Co-chair,
Deputy Prime Ministers,

At the outset, I would like to thank Minister Anifah of Malaysia for the warm hospitality and the impeccable preparations as this year’s ASEAN Chair. I would also like to thank Minister Retno of Indonesia, who as Country Coordinator has been playing a crucial role in coordinating and promoting the ties between Korea and ASEAN.

This year marks a new beginning for Korea and ASEAN. Last December, at the Korea-ASEAN Commemorative Summit, we looked back on 25 years of friendship and cooperation, and drew up the blueprint for the future. This year, we are taking steps to translate these plans into action.

Like President Park Geun-hye has emphasized, Korea and ASEAN are “partners for trust and happiness.” We are broadening and deepening our full-fledged cooperation, politically, economically, socially and culturally.

Economically, the trade between Korea and ASEAN is now just a little shy of 150 billion US dollars, while our people-to-people exchanges reached 6.75 million persons last year.

Our political and security cooperation is also growing strong. Back in 2010, as Korea and ASEAN became Strategic Partners, security cooperation was put up for discussion. Last May, we held a Korea-ASEAN security dialogue, a testament to our sure and steady progress.

But our ties should not be just about the strategic partnership between our governments. That’s why my government is working on bringing our peoples closer together through greater mutual understanding, for instance by setting up the ASEAN Cultural Center.

Later this year, the spotlight will be on ASEAN as it launches the ASEAN Community, the outcome of its decision to opt for co-existence and cooperation, instead of the dispute and discord of the past.

This launch means the birth of a new global economic powerhouse, the world’s number three in terms of population, and number seven in terms of its cumulative GDP.

The world’s eyes are on this part of the world, in anticipation of the political and economic mega-shifts brought by the new ASEAN Community. From our perspective, this is a fresh opportunity and will provide new momentum for Korea-ASEAN ties.

However, all of us here should remember that there is a caveat in this. This region’s continued growth and development hinges upon its sustained security and stability. It is of paramount importance that the region’s vitality, dynamism and potential are not eroded by factors such as changes in the regional power equilibrium, disputes over history and territory or North Korea’s continuing provocations.

For Korea’s part, we are clearly committed to stronger ties with ASEAN, for common development, common peace and common prosperity in the ASEAN Community-era. In particular, let me emphasize that we will work to build a strategic partnership evolving in tune with the ASEAN Community’s future needs as it responds to both opportunities and challenges.

In this regard, I ask for your continued interest and support so that Korea-ASEAN ties will move up the scale as Strategic Partners for trust and happiness.
Thank you.