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제18차 한-사우디 공동위 개회사

2017-10-27 00:00:00

Good morning, At Salam Alaiqum !
His Excellency Mr. Adel Fakeih, Distinguished Saudi and Korean Delegates,

I am delighted to declare the 18th Korea-Saudi Joint Committee open.

The Joint Committee between our two countries was first held in Jeddah in 1974. I am proud to say that this Joint Committee has become the longest-standing institution, with the most frequent meetings held among many joint committees we have with countries in the Middle East. It is a truly unique diplomatic asset, standing as the very symbol of the excellent relations between our two countries.

This year’s Joint Committee holds particular significance in that it is the first Joint Committee to be held since the new Korean government took office in May this year. It also commemorates the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

Distinguished Delegates,

The remarkable history of cooperation between the two nations for the past 55 years has been certainly a journey of friendship.
Korea’s special relations with Saudi Arabia date back to 1973 when 삼환 Construction won the bid to construct the Al Ola-Khaybar highway. The cooperation that began in the infrastructure and construction sector soon expanded to military, health, e-government, renewable energy, education and culture and even meteorology, forestry and SME cooperation.

I note with satisfaction that Saudi Arabia firmly stands as the Korea’s largest and biggest economic partner in the entire MENA region. I believe that the Joint Committee, with its long legacy, has played a pivotal role in promoting cooperation between the two countries. 

I understand that a Special Session on Vision 2030 will be held for the first time on the occasion of this Joint Committee. I am confident that Korea, with its know-how and experience of economic innovation, will continue to be an optimum partner for Saudi Arabia’s journey in achieving the Vision and implementing its projects.

His Excellency Mr. Adel Fakeih, Distinguished Saudi Delegates,
I hope that all the delegates take this Joint Committee as another valuable opportunity to reaffirm their conviction that our two countries are indeed optimal partners to each other.

Thank you, Shukran Jajeel-ran! /END/