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Composite Leading Indicators (CLIs), OECD, September 2010

OECD composite leading indicators show signs of possible peak in expansion

13/09/10 - OECD composite leading indicators (CLIs) for July 2010 point to clearer signs of a moderation in the pace of expansion compared to last month’s assessment. The CLI for the OECD area decreased by 0.1 point in July 2010.
In Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, China and India there are stronger signals of a slower pace of economic growth in coming months than was anticipated in last month’s release. Stronger signals that the expansion may lose momentum have emerged in Japan, the United States and Brazil. Tentative signals have also emerged that the expansion phases of Germany and Russia may soon peak.

The OECD Development Centre’s Asian Business Cycle Indicators (ABCIs) show that the recovery of ASEAN economies keeps on track with some signs of moderation.

Possible peak in the OECD area

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