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OECD countries renew Angel Gurría’s mandate as Secretary-General


30/09/2010 - The OECD today reappointed Angel Gurría to a second five-year mandate when his current term
 finishes on 1 June 2011.


The decision by the OECD’s governing Council, composed of 33 member countries, constitutes an 
endorsement of Mr Gurría’s vision for the OECD as a more relevant, more open and more inclusive 
organisation.  Portugal’s Ambassador to the OECD, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the Dean of the Council, 
said the consensus decision reflected the “high regard” member countries had for Mr Gurría’s “energetic 
leadership” and reflected their confidence in his ability to lead the Organisation during the next five
 challenging years.  




In the context of the economic crisis and changes in the 
global economy, Mr Gurría said the OECD has to redouble 
its efforts.


“The pursuit of relevance continues to be my guiding objective
 in order to improve the well-being of our citizens and help 
design better policies for better lives,” he said.


Today’s decision comes as the OECD prepares to launch its
 50th anniversary, described by Mr Gurría as “a milestone to 
take stock and to strengthen our will to build the institution.”


Mr Gurría said the OECD has an important role in helping to 
rebuild the confidence of citizens following the massive 
governance and business failures that lay behind the crisis.

“Citizens’ perceptions of the future are bleak and their tolerance of bad news is exhausted. We need to 
change this outlook and this negative psychology. That is a role for the OECD.”


“In the task ahead a return to growth is not sufficient as it will be taking place against a backdrop of high 
unemployment, large fiscal deficits and climate change. Promoting growth also entails measuring and 
defining wellbeing.”


“The organisation will continue to help countries in both the design and implementation of policies to tackle 
key global challenges – rebuilding trust, restoring public finances, identifying new sources of growth and 
delivering jobs and skills.”


Mr Gurría said the OECD must also continue in its role as a global standard setter. But he warned that the 
challenges are formidable. “The international consensus needed to deal with major issues such as climate 
change, migration or poverty is not happening.”


“The emergence of the G20 provides the OECD with an important opportunity to provide expertise on taxes, 
balanced growth, investment, trade protectionism, anti-corruption and job creation”, said Mr Gurría. He also 
renewed his call for the creation of a network of international institutions to work more closely together on
 issues of global governance.


He added the future relevance of the OECD also depended on a more effective and closer relationship with 
the emerging economies of Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa, as well as a successful 
conclusion to the OECD’s ongoing negotiations to welcome Russia as a member.


He added: “The raison d’être of this Organisation, is to be a source of evidence-based advice for 
governments and a standard setter to address many global challenges.  We will do it armed with our core
 values: openness, objectivity, boldness, pioneering spirit and sound ethics.”

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