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Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement [2nd Session of the 6th Round]


Second-Phase Actions for the
Implementation of the Joint Statement
3 October 2007


 The Second Session of the Sixth Round of the Six-Party Talks was held in Beijing among the People's 
Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian 
Federation and the United States of America from 27 to 30 September 2007.

 Mr. Wu Dawei, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC; Mr. Kim Gye Gwan, Vice Minister of Foreign 
Affairs of the DPRK; Mr. Kenichiro Sasae, Director-General for Asian and Oceanian Affairs, Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs of Japan; Mr. Chun Yung-woo, Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and 
Security Affairs of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Mr. Alexander Losyukov, Deputy Minister 
of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; and Mr. Christopher Hill, Assistant Secretary for East Asian 
and Pacific Affairs of the Department of State of the United States attended the talks as heads of their 
respective delegations.

 Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei chaired the talks.

 The Parties listened to and endorsed the reports of the five Working Groups, confirmed the implementation 
of the initial actions provided for in the February 13 agreement, agreed to push forward the Six-Party Talks 
process in accordance with the consensus reached at the meetings of the Working Groups and reached 
agreement on second-phase actions for the implementation of the Joint Statement of 19 September 2005, 
the goal of which is the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.
 Ⅰ. On Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

 1. The DPRK agreed to disable all existing nuclear facilities subject to abandonment under the September 
2005 Joint Statement and the February 13 agreement.

 The disablement of the 5 megawatt Experimental Reactor at Yongbyon, the Reprocessing Plant 
(Radiochemical Laboratory) at Yongbyon and the Nuclear Fuel Rod Fabrication Facility at Yongbyon will 
be completed by 31 December 2007. Specific measures recommended by the expert group will be adopted 
by heads of delegation in line with the principles of being acceptable to all Parties, scientific, safe, verifiable, 
and consistent with international standards. At the request of the other Parties, the United States will lead 
disablement activities and provide the initial funding for those activities. As a first step, the US side will lead 
the expert group to the DPRK within the next two weeks to prepare for disablement.

 2. The DPRK agreed to provide a complete and correct declaration of all its nuclear programs in 
accordance with the February 13 agreement by 31 December 2007.

 3. The DPRK reaffirmed its commitment not to transfer nuclear materials, technology, or know-how.

 Ⅱ. On Normalization of Relations between Relevant Countries

 1. The DPRK and the United States remain committed to improving their bilateral relations and moving 
towards a full diplomatic relationship. The two sides will increase bilateral exchanges and enhance 
mutual trust. Recalling the commitments to begin the process of removing the designation of the DPRK as 
a state sponsor of terrorism and advance the process of terminating the application of the Trading with the 
Enemy Act with respect to the DPRK, the United States will fulfill its commitments to the DPRK in parallel 
with the DPRK's actions based on consensus reached at the meetings of the Working Group on 
Normalization of DPRK-U.S. Relations.

 2. The DPRK and Japan will make sincere efforts to normalize their relations expeditiously in accordance 
with the Pyongyang Declaration, on the basis of the settlement of the unfortunate past and the outstanding 
issues of concern. The DPRK and Japan committed themselves to taking specific actions toward this end 
through intensive consultations between them.

 Ⅲ. On Economic and Energy Assistance to the DPRK

 In accordance with the February 13 agreement, economic, energy and humanitarian assistance up to the 
equivalent of one million tons of HFO (inclusive of the 100,000 tons of HFO already delivered) will be 
provided to the DPRK. Specific modalities will be finalized through discussion by the Working Group on 
Economy and Energy Cooperation.

 Ⅳ. On the Six-Party Ministerial Meeting

 The Parties reiterated that the Six-Party Ministerial Meeting will be held in Beijing at an appropriate time.

 The Parties agreed to hold a heads of delegation meeting prior to the Ministerial Meeting to discuss the 
agenda for the Meeting.