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Agreement on Second Phase Actions for the Implementation of Joint Statement (Summary Version)


Core Elements in Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of
                       the Joint Statement
                                            3 October 2007



o DPRK : Disable all existing nuclear facilities

  - Complete the disablement of 5 megawatt Experimental Reactor, Reprocessing Plant and Nuclear Fuel Rod Fabrication Facility at Yongbyon by 31 December 2007

   Specific measures recommended by the expert group will be adopted by heads of delegation. 

o US : Lead disablement activities and provide the initial funding

  - Lead the expert group to the DPRK within the next two weeks


o DPRK : Provide a complete and correct declaration of all its nuclear programs by 31 December 2007


o DPRK : Reaffirm commitment not to transfer nuclear materials, technology, or know-how

Normalization of Relations


o US will fullfill its commitments in parallel with the DPRK's actions based on consensus reached at the US-DPRK Normalization W/G meetings.


o Both Parties will make sincere efforts to normalize relations expeditiously in accordance with the Pyongyang Declaration.

Economic and Energy Assistance

o Economic, energy and humanitarian assistance up to the equivalent of one million tons of HFO (inclusive of the 100,000 tons of HFO already delivered) to the DPRK

  - Specific modalities to be finalized by the Economy and Energy Cooperation W/G

Six-Party Ministerial Meeting

o To be held in Beijing at an appropriate time

  - A heads of delegation meeting prior to the Ministerial Meeting to discuss the agenda for the Meeting