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Ministry News

2nd ROK-Australia Disarmament and Non-proliferation Dialogue Takes Place


1. Director-General for Nonproliferation and Nuclear Affairs Park Il, together with Ms. Amanda Gorely, Ambassador for Arms Control and Counter-Proliferation at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia, held the 2nd Republic of Korea-Australia Disarmament and Non-proliferation Dialogue in a virtual format between Seoul and Canberra on November 12.


2. In the Dialogue, the two sides shared their assessments on the international disarmament and non-proliferation environment following the presidential election in the United States, and exchanged views on various disarmament and non-proliferation issues, including the international nuclear non-proliferation regime ahead of the NPT review conference in 2021; the future of arms control regimes; chemical weapons control and non-proliferation; space security; and emerging technologies.


3. The ROK side explained the ROK government’s efforts to achieve denuclearization and build a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula, and the Australian side showed support for such efforts.


4. The ROK and Australia agreed to step up multilateral and bilateral cooperation to strengthen the disarmament and non-proliferation regime through various opportunities, including the regular Dialogue.