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Press Releases

20th ROK-New Zealand Policy Consultation Takes Place


1. Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yoon Soon-gu, together with Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand Ben King, held the 20th Republic of Korea-New Zealand policy consultation in Seoul on August 24. In the meeting, the two sides discussed ways to strengthen the relations and substantive cooperation between the two countries; situations on the Korean Peninsula and in other regions of the world; and ways to work together on the international stage.


2. Deputy Minister Yoon stressed that since establishing diplomatic relations in 1962, the ROK and New Zealand have worked closely together in various areas, including political affairs, economy, and people-to-people exchanges, based on such basic values as democracy, human rights and the rule of law. He also took note of the increasingly robust high-level exchanges between the two countries since the inaugurations of their governments in 2017.


° In response, Deputy Secretary King highlighted the similarities between the policy pursued by Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern with a focus on inclusive growth, fair economy and poverty reduction, and the people-centered economic policy of the ROK government; and voiced hope for stronger substantive cooperation between the two countries across the board.


3. The two sides, taking note of the steadily growing number of Korean visitors to New Zealand for the working holiday program and studies, agreed to pay close attention to the protection of the Korean nationals in New Zealand.


° In addition, the two sides agreed to seek closer cooperation in diverse fields, including education, joint research in science and technology, and local investment in and shootings by the film industry.


4. Deputy Minister Yoon shared with his counterpart from New Zealand progress in inter-Korean relations and the United States-Democratic People's Republic of Korea follow-up negotiations as well as the current situation on the Korean Peninsula; extended appreciation to New Zealand for expressing, at the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) meeting on August 4 and on various other occasions, strong support for the ROK government’s efforts to achieve complete denuclearization and establish permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula; and asked the country to remain attentive and cooperative in that regard.


° Deputy Secretary King voiced hope that inter-Korean talks and US-DPRK follow-up negotiations will produce tangible progress and thereby help ensure a continuous, faithful implementation of the measures stipulated in the Panmunjom Declaration and the joint statement issued by the leaders of the US and the DPRK. He added that New Zealand, on its part, will contribute to complete denuclearization and the establishment of permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula.



* unofficial translation