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Press Releases

UNEP launches first report on the State of the Environment in the DPRK


1.      The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched its first report on the State of the 
Environment in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on August 27.

O  The State of the Environment report was produced at the UNEP Secretariat in Bangkok over a period of 3 
years, supported by DPRK agencies after Executive Director Klaus Toepfer visited the DPRK in 2000. 

2.      The report assesses the state of the environment of the DPRK in five areas: forests, water, air, land 
and biodiversity.  The UNEP is reviewing an environmental improvement project for the DPRK, centering on 
the weak areas according to the report.

O  Assessment of the state of the environment by area

  - Forests: Area of forests has diminished due to timber production, indiscriminate deforestation, forest fires, 
and landslides.

  - Water: In spite of rich water resources, due to the lack of sewage systems and an increase in industrial 
wastewater, the quality of water has deteriorated.

  - Air: Increase in the use of coal, the DPRK’s main source of energy, has increased air pollution.

  - Land: Continued droughts, floods and landslides have increased land degradation.

  - Biodiversity: Deforestation, land corrosion, and natural disasters threaten the survival of endangered 

O  Presenting a solution

  - The report concludes that environmental laws need to be formulated or upgraded, financial investment in 
the environment must be acquired, environmental monitoring and statistical systems need to be set up, and 
bilateral and multilateral environmental cooperation needs to be strengthened.

  - The report also contains 16 project proposals for international cooperation. 

3.      This report is significant in that it is the first assessment of the state of the environment of the DPRK, 
and by actively participating in the production of the report, the DPRK seems to be showing a determination 
to improve its domestic environment through the aid of the international community.

4.      The UNEP is reviewing the promotion of a trust fund for the improvement of the environment of the 
DPRK based on this report, and the ROK will search for ways to contribute after reviewing the report.


                                                                 Spokesperson for MOFAT

* unofficial translation