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Press Releases

Statement by MOFAT Spokesperson on a series of terrorist bombings and hostage siege in North Ossetia, Russia


1.      The Government of the Republic of Korea regrets that the bombing of airliners on August 24, the 
terrorist suicide bombing at a subway station in Moscow on August 31, and the hostage siege in North 
Ossetia on September 1, all of which took place in Russia, led to the loss of innocent victims; and expresses 
its deep condolences and consolation to the victims and their bereaved families.

2.      The ROK Government, along with the international community, strongly condemns terrorism and 
hostage siege of civilians, which are anti-humanitarian crimes that can not be justified by any means; and it 
will continue to take active part in the international efforts to eradicate terrorism. 

3.      The ROK Government hopes that the hostage siege situation would be resolved as soon as possible 
without any additional loss of life.


                                                                   Spokesperson of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation