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Press Releases

Comment by MOFAT Official on Remarks by a Tokyo Governor


1. The Government of the Republic of Korea expresses deep regret on Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara's 
remarks at a political rally in Tokyo on October 28, 2003, that his country never annexed the Korean 
Peninsula by force and that colonization in 1910 was the choice of the Korean people at the time, justifying 
the Japanese annexation of Korea.

2. It is very disappointing that a responsible politician made such anachronistic remarks based on a wrong 
perception of history.  We particularly regret that Governor Ishihara made such imprudent remarks once 
again despite his apologies in the past for other racially discriminating and ultra-nationalistic remarks.

3. Our government wants to make it clear that his remarks, especially at this particular time when the friendly 
and cooperative atmosphere between the ROK and Japan has been enhanced more than ever before, not 
only impairs the friendly relations between the ROK and Japan, but is also not desirable for Japan itself.  The 
ROK government would like to stress once again that it would be difficult to make genuine progress in the 
bilateral ties without a correct understanding of history.

* unofficial translation