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Press Releases

Telephone Talks between Minister and US Secretary of State


1.    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ban Ki-moon, had telephone talks with US Secretary of State, Colin 
Powell, on September 13, for discussions on the recent incidents involving the ROK's nuclear-related 
experiments and the Six-Party Talks on the North Korean nuclear issue.

2.    Regarding the recent incidents involving the ROK's nuclear-related experiments, Minister Ban explained 
that the ROK government voluntarily reported them to the IAEA and is fully cooperating with the IAEA for an 
objective and transparent inquiry into the matter, and reaffirmed that these experiments are completely 
irrelevant to enrichment or reprocessing program for developing nuclear weapons.  Minister Ban asked the 
US government for its active cooperation at such opportunities as the IAEA Board of Governors' Meeting so 
that this issue can be handled in a balanced manner.

3.    In response, Secretary Powell expressed his complete understanding of the ROK government's position, 
and noted he is well aware of the fact that the Korean scientists conducted experiments for academic 
purposes only, and that these experiments are irrelevant to nuclear development plans.  He also hoped that 
the discussions at the IAEA Board of Governors' Meeting would unfold in this direction.

4.    Minister Ban and Secretary Powell noted the fruitful outcomes of the Trilateral Consultation among the 
ROK, US and Japan, which was held recently in Tokyo.  Regarding North Korea's response to the nuclear-
related experiments, Minister Ban and Secretary Powell shared the view that this issue must not interfere 
with the Six-Party Talks process since this issue is irrelevant to the Six-Party Talks process, and they agreed 
to maintain close consultations to hold the fourth round of the Six-Party Talks at an early date.

5.    Minister Ban and Secretary Powell agreed to meet in New York while participating in the UN General 
Assembly and continue discussions on issues of mutual interest.


                                                                 Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation