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Press Releases

The Sixth Korea-New Zealand Joint Economic Committee


1.      The Sixth Korea-New Zealand Joint Economic Committee was held on October 27, 2003 at the Bilateral 
Conference Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea.  The Korean 
delegation was led by Mr. Kim Hyun-jong, Deputy Minister for Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 
Trade, and consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of 
Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the 
Korean Food and Drug Administration, and the Korea Forest Service.  The New Zealand delegation was led 
by Dr. Richard Grant, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and represented by New 
Zealand's ambassador to Korea among others. 

2.      The Korean government explained its economic policy for continuing to expand its efforts and plans to 
build an economic system that conforms to global standards for greater labor flexibility and transparency in 
management.  The Korean side found that while trade has increased between Korea and New Zealand, 
New Zealand's effort for more balance trade between the two countries is desirable for a mutually beneficial 
trade relationship. In this regard, Korea acknowledged New Zealand's recent announcement on the tariff 
rate reduction plan, which will aid the development of more balanced trade relations.  In addition, Korea 
requested that New Zealand view positively the plan for mutual recognition of driver's licenses for Koreans 
residing in New Zealand and vice versa. 

3.      The New Zealand government expressed its concern over several market access issues including the 
approval of sliced deer velvet processing premises in New Zealand, import approval of hake heads, and 
sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of New Zealand potatoes, honeybees, and horses among others.  
The New Zealand side requested that the Korean side make efforts to facilitate New Zealand products' 
access to the Korean market by mitigating Korean sanitary and phytosanitary measures on its products. 

4.      Both sides are currently discussing the promotion of film co-production and have agreed to work 
towards the provisions for a future agreement.  The Korean government also agreed to dispatch a 
delegation to New Zealand next March for the APEC Science Ministers' Meeting. Both sides also reached an 
agreement to enlarging human exchanges in science and technology, in addition to promoting Korean 
overseas forest plantation and enlarging forestry-related cooperation in information and technology with 
New Zealand.

5.      At the same time, both sides exchanged views for FTA policies and agreed to support policies for APEC 
reform, and promoting the success of the WTO/DDA Negotiations.

                                                                    Spokesperson of MOFAT

* unofficial translation